Leaves falling off?


New Member
I am in the 4 week of 12/12 and mostly health leaves have been falling off the plant, between the bottom and the middle of the plants. Probable like 10 a day is that normal? Thanks....
Re: Leafs falling off?

not normal... one or two maybe at end of flower cycle but ten at a time..you got problems..
maybe too much water..i find at the end of floweing cycle plants tend to due better with there soil little dryer lowers humidity too around plants less chances of mold problems
Re: Leafs falling off?

Thanks for the response. Plants look health i am growing in hydro. Ten a day total from 4 plants, one plant more than the others. Hmm maybe it is to much water I flood 5x a day for 15 min...I was at 4x a day and looked like they needed more so i bumped to 5 about week and a half ago. and the problem has started since then. Thanks..
i have the same problem , i think its do to high humidity , my plants are super healthy i just pick them up and dont worry about it , iv been cutting the lower stuff off (lollypopping) thats not getting any light to try and lower the humidity im growing sea of green method so my canopy is thick and full ......... good luck smokr1
I think 7 out of ten experienced growers would tell you that yellowing FAN leaves falling off, at 2 or 3 leaves a day, after a couple of weeks into 12/12 is normal in Flowering. But you are experienced more than 2 or 3 a day.

On my last grow, at the urging of another experienced grower, I experimented with less phosphorus , and used 80% Flowering Nutes and 20% VEG nutes, to get more Nitrogen into the grow. I had three reservoirs and tried it on only one at first, then the other two tanks because NOT ONE leaf yellowed and fell off after adding the additonal Nitrogen.
i am about 3 weeks into flower too, and have had a lot of brown crispy leaves falling off, middle and lower, the upper and top leaves are very healthy and green, and the girls are budding well, its the first time i've experienced this...
Most growers say it is normal and natural, but I say it is a lack of Nitrogen and too much phosphorous.
[ GG 4] 2 1/2 almost 3 weeks into flower. I also have lower,smaller leaves falling off. I'm feeding a 10-52-10 mix. they are tiny green leaves,the top is healthy. I'm more leaning to root issues. my temps are between 68 and 80. humidity between 30 and 45.


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