Legalize Cannabis, See Economic Boon

Future economic prosperity depends on recapturing the spirit of innovation. Look no further than the cannabis plant for your answers.

Hemp, medicinal marijuana and recreational marijuana will add tens of billions of dollars to the economy, according to some estimates. See "New Billion Dollar Crop," Popular Mechanics, February 1938. (Maybe trillions with maximized efficiency).

Savings from failed and destructive programs (war on drugs, prison industry, etc.) will be in the billions. Jobs created may tip 1 million (including farmers and farming).

An incredible supplementary benefit will be the end to the abuse, discrimination and prejudice against cannabis consumers; we number in the millions and surpass ethnic minorities in being wrongfully targeted and attacked.

We need to remove marijuana from Schedule 1 drug classification if we want economic prosperity and innovation. Let the people make it so. Lawmakers however must remove the barrier.

This country is at its weakest point in perhaps its history; instead of working together, self-serving anti-drug crusaders on the other side of the political fence are interested in "taking America down," these absolute moralists need new careers.

That said, it is insane for cannabis to be a Schedule 1 drug anyway. It is most similar to alcohol and tobacco. What will happen next is a green rush within the state as we recapture fiscal integrity, not a bad thing to happen on your watch? Cannabis legalization equals change we can believe in.

News Hawk- Ganjarden 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Website: Legalize Cannabis, See Economic Boon
AGAIN, Do NOT use "Black Market" costs as a rule of thumb...There is no way i'll pay those prices for "legal" weed.:roorrip:
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