Light question


New Member
Ive been looking into lights for a hopeful future grow (it would be my first), and i have come across some CFSs which spurt out 1600 Lumens at 100 Watts, and also a candescent flood lamp (not halogen) that gives 1650 lums at only 40Watts. Typically, a grower (to my knowledge) only uses CFL or HPS lights, but do candescent work aswell?

They are cheaper and less wattage use, sooooo.... anything?
i dont think candescent lights are good they convert about 10 percent of the energy they use to light and are considered inefficient

Ive looked around more and have answered my own question. Sorry that this is kind off a wasted thread.

Ive decided to go with as strong CFLs as possible, mainly because even though conds can put out more lumens, they are WAY to hot for any place i could go with right now (it would have to be small)...

I just started to research into it, and holy crap, i forgot how much effort is going to be needed to be put into this project to get a grow area set up (mainly venting... actually, all of the hard parts are venting..)

Oh well, labor of love.
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