lighting questions and more


New Member
OK, we have converted a closet in our bathroom to grow in will be using areoponics growing 4 plants will be drawing in outside air from under the house and venting the same way the closet messures 2' by 3' and 8' high my concern is keeping a steady room temp since winter is coming on what type of lighting should i use I am leaning towards a MH maybe 250 watt and then switing to HPS for the flowering stage

my other question is nutrients is it possible to get a pre-mix veg and bloom
that is ph balanced already. where we can just load the resevoir and not worry about it.

Your cab size is right in between a 250w and a 400w. If you think you can setup an efficient exhaust system I would go with the 400w, if not use the 250w (you will still need a good exhaust system, just not quite as much).

Also if you can afford to air cool your lights I would def go with the 400w.

I'll leave your other question for someone more experience with aeroponics.


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