lil bugs on top layer of soil


New Member
i dont know what these lil creatures are but they almost look like piss ants but not. are there any home products i can temporarily use to ward these lil bastards off? i would take a pic but no cam...
Kill em all!! haha yea i started to new sprouts there almost a week old and have as your explaining it seems the same lil bugs.. i dont wana kill my plants so i just kil the bugs as i see them instead of spraying something on it.. so far havent seen them anymore
it seems to me you might have nats at first they are larva that live at a depth of 2 to 3 inchs they eat roots then they come up and fly under leaves these fuckers stunt plant growth they simple stop the clock of growth at first they look like ants till they develop wings and walk around the bottom of pots and on surface of dirt ,coco even hydro sys you can also get them when trying to produce roots on clones and take for ever to root

the only thing that ive used that realy works is made by bayer " confidor " this product can be used by sraying & by placing in the water for hydro or any type of system 1 time should be enough and i always use this about three days after transplanting into flowering and every three months for mother plants
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