Looking for general closet advice.


Well-Known Member
I'm about to start my first grow. It has been a very long time in the making. It is a stealth grow in my closet.

The closet is 51" width by 60" length by 94" height. I placed a plastic tarp on the floor and nailed it about 12" up on the side of the walls. From that part up I mylar'd everything until I ran out of mylar. I took the closet door off for more operating\growing room in the closet and doubled up a silver tarp and stapled it against the inside of the grow room. I cut a square hole in it and then made a flap over the hole to block light from exiting. I have the vent going through this plastic tarp. The other side of the closet door I have dark blue doubled up curtain. So it looks normal from the outside.

I figured out that my apartment has an air conditioning line running through the closet wall. So I drilled and struck gold. I have an air conditioning line going directly to my grow room and I'm using where it used to go as my exhaust, which is my bathroom. The good news is also my bathroom is not as freezing cold as it normally is when I get out of the shower! I have an additional line coming in through the front of the closet in case I need a fresh air vent later on.

We will be starting the grow with good hydro seeds we have been saving for a while. Once we think we have the operating down we will be planting 10 pack Greenhouse Seed Company Color Code Indica Mix H.

To start right now we will be using CFL's to veg. This is to buy us time until next paycheck we are getting a 1000w hps first thing.

This is my first grow. Pics coming when my camera is charged. Any advice would be great. Do I have enough ventilation? Is the recycled air conditioning air good for cooling the room? My friend is a cali medical grower and highly suggested I use CO2 when I grow. Is this a neccessary evil?

I want to completely eliminate the smell at any $$ cost. I figure I'm going to have to redo the entry to the room. Are there any suggestions for making the room smell proof as possible?
Get an ionizer for the room close to your grow room. Dont put it in the grow room, but if smell leaks out to adjacent rooms, ionizers should help greatly. You can probably get some cheap ones online for like 40-140$. That might be too steap for you, but it should help...
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