Luminary Lummox


New Member
Is this right for the light thing..? my grow space is 6'ft.x6'ft.by8'ft.deep. with a total lumes of 23,050. Is this good enough ? shes in week #13 with some decent bud. one more Question Why are her leaves so Brittle she does have a slight case of mites and I can't get to the store just yet to get some bug juice.. Peace to All'.
First off, there is no such thing as a 'slight' case of mites. Act fast on this.

General rule of thumb AFA lumens:
3500/sq ft for veg
5000/sq ft for flower

So, 6'x6'=36 sq ftx5000 lumens=180,000 lumens.

You seem to be seriously under lit. What you have would do for ~4.5 sq ft.

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