Mabton To Resume Discussion Of Annexing Land That Could Be Used To Grow Pot

Katelyn Baker

Well-Known Member
Mabton City Council members will resume deliberations Tuesday on whether to annex almost 30 acres of land that could be used to grow marijuana.

Council members tabled the motion after hearing more than two hours of public comment June 14 on John and Sandy Birldebough's request to include their property within city limits.

At the meeting, residents raised concerns about the possibility the land off Gulden Road, which would be zoned for industrial use, would be used to grow marijuana.

City officials said John Birdlebough discussed possible uses for the land, including growing marijuana and hemp. A relative of marijuana, hemp does not contain pot's psychoactive ingredient.

Yakima County does not permit marijuana to be grown, processed or sold in the unincorporated area. Mabton's city ordinances allow marijuana production and processing within industrial zones, Mayor Mario Martinez said in an earlier interview.

State Liquor and Cannabis Board records show there is one active license for marijuana production issued in the city.

Attempts to contact John Birdlebough Friday were not successful. Earlier, Birdlebough said he would only talk about the annexation if Martinez and the city attorney participated in the discussion.

While Tuesday's meeting is open to the public, there will be no additional public hearing on the annexation request, City Administrator Walt Bratton said in an email.

Martinez said earlier the delay was to allow council members to get answers to any questions they may have regarding the annexation request.

Previously, City Attorney James Carmody said the Birdleboughs' plans for the property are not a factor in whether to approve the annexation.

If the council approves the Birdleboughs' request, the next step would be for them to submit plans for how they would develop the property.

The meeting starts at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 305 N. Main St.


News Moderator: Katelyn Baker 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Mabton To Resume Discussion Of Annexing Land That Could Be Used To Grow Pot
Author: Donald W. Meyers
Contact: 509-248-1251
Photo Credit: Teresa Crawford
Website: Yakima Herald
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