Mad Scientist is in da house!


New Member
Hey 420 community! I know my username is Warspawn, but that is my gamer tag. In this community I go by Mad Scientist. I am one by the way. It seems that do to forum rules I can't talk about my research since it's in the grey area of legalities. I can say however I like mushrooms a lot( major microbiologist) and believe in the multiple dimensions theories in quantum physics. That should give you an idea of what research I do. Hence the name Mad Scientist. I hope we learn from each other and experience some wonderful times. :thumb:
Hey 420 community! I know my username is Warspawn, but that is my gamer tag. In this community I go by Mad Scientist. I am one by the way. It seems that do to forum rules I can't talk about my research since it's in the grey area of legalities. I can say however I like mushrooms a lot( major microbiologist) and believe in the multiple dimensions theories in quantum physics. That should give you an idea of what research I do. Hence the name Mad Scientist. I hope we learn from each other and experience some wonderful times. :thumb:

Welcome Mad Scientist. I like that handle better than Warspawn, kinda sounds like a WOW handle. I am just the opposite, science confuses the hell outta me, I like to keep things simple. Glad you found us and hope to hear more from you in the near future.:cheer:
Welcome Mad Scientist. I like that handle better than Warspawn, kinda sounds like a WOW handle.[/qoute]

Thank you for the warm welcome Twelve12 and QueenTokeLove. I don't play WOW actually. The name comes from me being a natural born killer. I use those skills in real time strategy war games like Battlefield, MAG, and Company of Heroes. When I can afford it, you better hope your on my team when playing paintball. The two things I wanted to be growing up were Marine scout sniper from 12-18 and a mad scientist from the moment I read my first science book at 5. Fortunately before I lost my mind on a battlefield I saw the light and realized that my quick problem solving skills allow me too avoid just about any confrontation. Plus where there is a will their is a way and though shall not kill. I mention this because actually as another hobby design non-lethal weapons. Hopefully after this season I will have my site up for the public if interested in home defense and even civil unrest, but want to keep your morals. Politics was actually my motivation for a lot of what I do. Made me think of what I would do if war came to me and how would I be prepared when they shoot to kill and I shoot to disarm. So my weapons can hold out against the latest armor and rapid firing weapons in the right hands. I also design clothes like armor you would wear everyday, but fashionable for punks or goths mainly. I think you get my personality now and I'll shut-up before I say something I regret or this turns into a dating chat. Thanks again guys and I'm sure we'll talk again soon.
P.S.: Sorry if I talk too much. I am passionate about my work.
Welcome buddy. Have you currently got any 'experiments' on the go? Or are you just here to browse?

Like I said, a lot of my work is in the grey area. I don't want to be banned or anything when I just got here, but I am about to start my grow journal for my 2nd time outdoors. It should be up in about 3 hours under "Mad Scientist's outdoor organic easy grow." I don't have any pictures of the grow site yet since I can't find the charger for my camera, but I'll have some of what I plan on growing and how. :thanks: for the:welcome:
Hmmm you sound very interesting WS. I use to be into punk back when I was younger, I don't think goth was born then. I was more into the look and not the music though I was crushing heavily on Billy Idol, I think it was that curled lip and platinum hair!!!!
I agree that a lot of punk music sucks and your lucky that you were spared the goth music genre. Punk and goth clothes usually have straps, are baggy, have chains, and just all sorts of stuff that slow you down in a fight or flight situation that they seem to also attract. Although I wear a lot of black, I do not like punk or gothic clothes. It's just hard to make armor not look punk or gothic lol. I just noticed that it is popular in those stereotypes like cyber punks. I wouldn't wear those into battle though.
Hey 420 community! I know my username is Warspawn, but that is my gamer tag. In this community I go by Mad Scientist. I am one by the way. It seems that do to forum rules I can't talk about my research since it's in the grey area of legalities. I can say however I like mushrooms a lot( major microbiologist) and believe in the multiple dimensions theories in quantum physics. That should give you an idea of what research I do. Hence the name Mad Scientist. I hope we learn from each other and experience some wonderful times. :thumb:

Hey Mad Scientist, :welcome: to 420 Magazine!
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