Made some BHO


New Member
just wanted to share some pics, Ive made this stuff before but it has never turned out like this, this stuff is some really amber but totally clear oil and it is super potent:thumb:

used about 1/2 oz of trim and got exactly 1 gram of oil, let me know what you think:yummy:





thanks rastajbd! I just used some vector 5x filtered butane and 1" pvc pipe cut to 1 foot length and unbleached coffee filters. I used frosty trim leaves and small budlets

I figure depending on strain the yieds are about 1 ounce of trim to .7 - 1 G of oil and if you use buds you can get up to 2 grams per ounce of oil just make sure to cut them up small.

i purge the butane out by scraping it all off onto a spoon and then heating it up with a torch lighter so that it just starts bubbling, you want to be careful because what your bubbling off is butane gas so you wanna watch that flame but the results are reallly nice and clean of butane after about 15 minutes of heating and stirring. dont heat the oil up too much or it will start to burn, you will get the hang of it. once the oil starts to slow down and become clear instead of bubbly its ready to bottle.:thumb:

I heat the bottle up a little with a torch to settle it all down to the bottom

heres a few pics of some more I made 2 last night and the one on the left that im holding I just got done making now, theres about 3.5 grams total weight there of oil.


from left to right
cindy 99 oil, shark oil, trainwreck oil

a little bit of the freshly purged cindy 99 oil on 2 screens, it doesnt even dome up its so melty, it just dissapears into the screen
Nice, Seet pull man! I just did some og/la confidential and it came out amazing. But i'm working on a little bigger scale, in a pyrex dish over the toaster. The purging takes for ever when you're working with over an eighth at a time. So I'm trying to find a more efficent way without doing tons of small batches..
thanks rasta, as for looking for a more efficient way I just did this run today and took some pictures, I use one of these 9x9 glass pans in a much larger pan full of really hot water, when the water cools off I take it out and replace the hot water untill all the butane is "gone" then I scrape it onto the spoon and get the rest out with the torch.

got 3.7g from this run and i had another smaller pan with 1.7g of really golden trainwreck oil i put some kief in the tube with the trim

this is the larger pan that yielded 3.7g

scraping up the goods

usually Ill just make bubble hash with all my trim but this time I decided to give oil another run, glad I did! its nice to change it up
Sweet. Looks like the honey oil I'm familiar with from the 70's...brings back good memories.
Another sweet pull man! Thats pretty much the same method I use except I purge it in the pyrex over my toaster on high(still not hot enough to burn the oil) for about 10min. I guess I should have done more like 20min because I was cooking 7g's worth. Using the same method my smaller batch came out perfect, the larger a little under purged. Live and learn. Congrats man looks like some sweet smoke, wish I still had my dslr camera I'd post some pics.
all i gotta say is YUMMY can i get some input on good kinds of butane to use and all so have you ever herd of using hexan i heard you can soak your weed in it and no chlorophil comes out and turns into nice honey as to where to get hexan im kinda lost cant find it still looking though
thanks rasta! it smokes awesome, oh so melty! the toaster idea sounds like a good way to cook out the last of the butane and I bet it makes it nice and easy to scrape up I probably have one or 2 more batches left, everyone I show the oil to is just completely blown away!

and kronik klown, the best advice I can give to you is to just use vector or some other brand of butane that is filtered and pure. i dont know about hexane, but you can use ether and chloroform and they work really well and leave behind little to no residue but they are very dangerous(suffocation) and hard to come by, Ive never seen them for sale?

butane is also very dangerous so you should always do this outside!:goodluck:
The toaster idea just popped into my head when I was in the kitchen. I turn it all the way up and just lay the dish on top till it starts bubbling, then pickup and start kneading the oil for about 10-15min with a razor. I keep it in the middle of the pyrex in a puddle and let cool enough to not keep oozing all over the place. Then pop it into the freezer for about 15min to make it solid.
sounds like a nice way to purge the butane, how do you store/handle it after its in the freezer? does it stay hard after u freeze it or will it melt if u take it out of the freezer? ive always just used a little vial or carmex container and paper clip.
Sorry I was in a rush when I posted that. I put it in the freezer so the plate completely cools from heating, at least to room temp I like it a lot colder though. Then I get my razor and heat the edge up briefly then quickly dig up a corner of the oil, the hot blade will slice threw the oil like (a hot knife thew butter, haha). I continue this step until the cold frigid puddle of oil becomes a ball. The blade is heated after every pass, and swiped quickly. I find this method to lose the least amount of oil and it is easy to handle.

All my oil comes out amber glass hard and is very brittle at room temp. Once it's in a ball you can do what ever you want with it. you can roll it out in you're fingers like hash and make a snake, makes it easier to portion out. Also can easily drop pieces into vials instead of trying to drip it in.
This is relevant to my interests.
After a 23 year break, just decided to get back to smoking due to some medical issues.
I am a HVAC/R tech and have seen a little information, teasers mostly, concerning extraction via R-134a.
Any truth to this, as I have R-134a, and the knowledge to work with it, as in making an extraction device utilizing R-134a, a screen, a couple of cut off valves, a secondary chamber to vent the liquid into a vacuumed out collector, and then collect it.
Just wondering if R-134a will extract the goodness.
hmm, i have not heard of using that method? if u were to vaccum out the r-134a, which is freon gas right? the THC would be in that, then you would haveto evaporate it off, not sure if anything in that stuff would be left behind in the oil? I know you can use hexane and some other gases that are harder to get ahold of. my advice would be to research well because you dont want to find out after the fact that you smoked some bad oil that did who knows what to you.:goodluck:
My thought was to allow the r-134a to evaporate by gassing off, then pull a vac to make sure it was all gone.
I figure that with butane, the THC is in that, and it evaps off, leaving the THC, as does ISO extractions.
I think, the THC is in the liquid phase, not the gaseous phase.
As far as looking, I have found two references and neither were anything but passing mentions that r-13 has been used to extract THC from pot.
Am hoping a chemist type will take pity and give some advice.
well, if it has been done before i think it would work again, the one thing to watch for is any residues left behind dissolved in your oil, if you do end up doing that you should make a small batch of butane oil too so you can compare the 2 for flavor and any negative things like harshness from anything left behind. butane oil will crackle and sparkle when it still has dissolved amounts of butane in it, not sure how you would test for the r134 gas to make sure it has all gone.
I know if you burn any of the CFC/HCFC with a torch, you know it is there.
Makes what is basically mustard gas, phosgene acid.
I figured once it boils off, then I will pull a vac, which will make sure it is all gone.
Gonna do it in a copper tube set up.
I know refrigerants, CFC/HCFC at least, which includes isobutane and propane, are not reactive with copper under normal temp/pressures.
Going home to see my kinfolk in Ky next weekend, so I'll have a couple of pounds to play with when I get home.
This is relevant to my interests.
After a 23 year break, just decided to get back to smoking due to some medical issues.
I am a HVAC/R tech and have seen a little information, teasers mostly, concerning extraction via R-134a.
Any truth to this, as I have R-134a, and the knowledge to work with it, as in making an extraction device utilizing R-134a, a screen, a couple of cut off valves, a secondary chamber to vent the liquid into a vacuumed out collector, and then collect it.
Just wondering if R-134a will extract the goodness.

I do/did HVAC and the problem I see using refrigerant is it contains oil. So using it to extract THC you would end up with honey oil/ester oil which probably isn't good to smoke. And as another person said if it isn't all the way purged you would inhale phosgene gas. It will put you down (in a bad way):tokin:. Just stick to butane its easy and works good.
Refrigerant only contains oil if it is pre-mixed, as in the little car cans or if you pull it from a system. Virgin R-134a in a 30 pound jug is 99.80% pure, with the rest being mostly water.
Not worried about purging, 134, it boils around -15 ºF, and if I can't detect any with my leak detector, then there ain't none there (leak detector senses down to .25 ounce a year loss)
And not to be a prick, but how can butane be any easier than using 134a? You could use the same tube for either extraction. They would require the same amount of work. As for results, that is yet to be seen.
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