Man Quits Corporate World To Grow Cannabis

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
A Christchurch man who turned his back on the corporate world because he did not think his work ethic was being rewarded turned to growing cannabis instead.

When the police raided the Addington home of former Telecom IT expert William Hape Carlton, 26, they found a hydroponics operation with 60 mature plants, described by drug squad detectives as "high quality".

They also found 73g of harvested cannabis and $1700 cash.

Carlton admitted growing, using, and selling the drug, pleaded guilty to cultivation and dealing charges, and was sentenced to 2½ years jail.

He appealed the severity of the sentence and succeeded.

Justice Panckhurst in the High Court in Christchurch ruled the original sentence was excessive and reduced to 21 months, opening the option of serving it through home detention at Carlton's mother's house.

The judge said Carlton had worked several corporate jobs "but gave them up, disillusioned because he felt that his work ethic and work effort was not sufficiently recognised".

"The pre-sentence report ... tends to confirm the picture ... of somebody of ability, with qualifications, but who through the use of cannabis on a long-term and heavy basis, has lost direction and motivation and instead committed his abilities to growing the drug and selling it as well," he said.

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Copyright: 2007 Fairfax New Zealand Limited
Website: Chch man quits corporate world to grow cannabis
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