Marc Emery Creates A Public-Relations Problem For The Obama Administration

Today, Marc Emery's wife Jodie sent out a tweet saying the Prince of Pot has been in solitary confinement for a week. He's detained in the Federal Detention Centre SeaTac in Seattle, Washington.

His crime? According to Jodie, he unknowingly broke a rule by having a phone call recorded in Canada for a prison podcast.

This meanspirited action on the part of U.S. correctional officials deserves to be condemned by all reasonable-thinking Canadians.

It's bad enough that the Obama administration has decided to put a peaceful Vancouver resident in a cage like an animal for five years for selling marijuana seeds.

It's worth noting that Emery received this punishment for doing something that was deemed perfectly legal in Canada and for which he paid taxes.

What's more appalling is that Emery has been tossed into solitary confinement. Do they want him to die in prison? Will that give them pleasure?

I say enough of pointing the finger at some prosecutor or the Drug Enforcement Administration or low-level prison guards for this outrage.

Ultimately, President Barack Obama and his cold-hearted attorney general, Eric Holder, should be held accountable by the public.

They can send Emery home to serve his sentence in Canada, where he will be closer to his wife and friends.

The next demonstrations on Emery's behalf should take place outside U.S. consulates across the country. Put Obama's picture on all the signs.

Emery's numerous supporters should make Obama the focus of their wrath because that's the only way this travesty will be noticed south of the border.

The decision to toss Emery in the hole makes it pretty obvious that the U.S. president, a so-called former professor of constitutional law at the University of Chicago and a former president of the Harvard Law Review, really doesn't give a damn about civil liberties.

Every day that Emery sits in solitary confinement offers more evidence to Canadians that Obama is a hypocrite.

NewsHawk: Ganjarden: 420 MAGAZINE
Author: Charlie Smith
Copyright: 2010 Vancouver Free Press
Website: Marc Emery creates a public-relations problem for the Obama administration

* Thanks to MedicalNeed for submitting this article
I as well.Seen lots of stories about him,it's just the united states being the school yard bully is all.They think everybody should follow their example,nah im good.I live here and this fires me up. Land of freedom, not land of "you are doing what i told you right?"
The drug cops are hateful. Being in prison is a punishment, but we don't stop there in the USA. It's like a jerk beating you up and then rubbing your face in the dirt over and over. Their day is coming!
:peace: to my brothers.
They all use the same control tactics Marc, but in the end, justice will prevail !! Mainly Because of you Mr. Emery, i now believe pot will be just like liquor within the next few yrs. , not that it should be clasifyed as a drug !! It's an herb !! And remember Marc, people will go free because of your efforts !! I've been in the hole !! All prisons have them, although they don't call it the hole anymore !! Stupid bastards !! I hear folks saying that they hang their heads in shame and as far as i'm concerned Canada should hang their head in shame, for buckling in to the united states war on drugs !! You should be proud of yourself, and look at them prison guards and just laugh at them !! A corupt politician or ceo of a company, can steal millions of dollars, and do 8 months !! Ha ! I did 5 yrs. back in the 60s-early 70s, for 10 lbs. of mexican brown, and it fucked my whole life up !! I used to like the hole, as i had a single cell and that was excelent, because i don't play well with others, especially when i find out that i'm living with a child molester !! They let us out in a little exercise area for one hr. per day, and that was good with me. I did 2 out of 5 yrs. in the hole !! i'm a hard head !! They did'nt break me and they wont break you either Marc !! You are a prisoner of war bro., the usa war on drugs !! And may i add, my freaking hero !!
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