Marijuana compound could prevent eye damage in diabetics

Julie Gardener

New Member
28th February 2006

Scientists have discovered a compound in marijuana that could protect against eye damage in diabetics.

Diabetic retinopathy is a leading cause of blindness in working-age adults and affects nearly 16 million Americans. It occurs when diabetes damages the tiny blood vessels inside the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye.

Gregory I. Liou and other researchers of molecular biology at the Medical College of Georgia studied the role of cannabinoid receptors and said the compound they had found could defend against diabetic retinopathy.

Liou studied the compound in diabetic animal models and found that it works to interrupt essentially all destructive points of action that cause vision loss in a diabetic patient, reported the science portal EurekAlert.

He hoped the compound in marijuana may one day be given along with insulin to stop the early changes that set the stage for damaged or destroyed vision.

Source: Marijuana compound could prevent eye damage in diabetics
This is cutting edge technology. I am a diabetic. My Dad was and his mother was. My Family has the kind of diabetes that goes from mother to son, son to daughter. I had a girl which means she shouldn't have the gene of diabetes. It is sooo kule to know that marijuana treats many symptoms that diabetes creates. Now, get all 50,51 states to legalize it for its medicinal values and we can all get the treatment we need. I have personally experienced the pain relieving properties of marijuana. :welldone: :cheer::cheer::thanks:
Thats Amazing!! I have had diabetes since i was 2 Years Old. Its rediculous the ban on hemp/weed is holding back the research. This could all end up saving lives one day i just hope the government pulls their heads out their asses one day
I agree. Register to vote and help others to register so we can have the power to change things. I'm a type one diabetic and if this can help prevent retinopathy, it should be be fast tracked to help thousands of people. Let's go..
This is cutting edge technology. I am a diabetic. My Dad was and his mother was. My Family has the kind of diabetes that goes from mother to son, son to daughter. I had a girl which means she shouldn't have the gene of diabetes. It is sooo kule to know that marijuana treats many symptoms that diabetes creates. Now, get all 50,51 states to legalize it for its medicinal values and we can all get the treatment we need. I have personally experienced the pain relieving properties of marijuana. :welldone: :cheer::cheer::thanks:

Hello I am currently trying to get enough information to help my grandmother before she goes blind, she's on other pills and insulin and I really really want to help her. Could you possibly tell me how marijuana has helped you and how you've ingested it?
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