Marijuana Found Being Grown in Child's Nursery


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Lakeland police discovered a nursery for growing marijuana in a child's nursery. Dozens of pot plants were discovered inside the mobile home on West Carver Street on Tuesday.

Police said the growers were even drying the pot on the baby's walls.

Rachel Anderson, her six children and her boyfriend, Joe Saenz, were living in the house at the time.

"You know, give me a break. People are just stupid to a lot of different levels because of different drug activity," said Jack Gillen, Lakeland Police Department.

Police arrested Saenz and charged him with several felonies. If convicted, he could face prison time.

Newshawk: User - 420 Magazine
Source: WFTV
Pubdate: 15 November 2006
Copyright: 2006 WFTV
Contact: WFTV
Website: Article Here
People can get so singleminded when growing. Silly to start thinking that growing children is done the same way as growing pot plants.
true the kids were in no immediate danger, but the parents should have put there kids into some kinda consideration, if i was the kid, shit i wouldnt complain, cuz when dad came back and asked why theres not as much u say u lose weight in drying haha. of course i have it tucked safely away in my lungs :D
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