Marijuana Legalization Won In Colorado And Washington!

Truth Seeker

New Member
We just made history. Amendment 64 and Initiative 502, the ballot initiatives to legalize marijuana in Colorado and Washington, won! Coloradans and Washingtonians rejected decades of counterproductive, prohibitionist marijuana policies and cast their votes to regulate, tax and control marijuana.

This is a tremendous victory for Colorado and Washington, but it's even bigger than that. These states set a precedent by legalizing marijuana -- paving the way for the rest of the country and the world to follow. In addition, Massachusetts became the 18th state to legalize marijuana for medical purposes. And Californians voted to reform their notorious Three Strikes Law.

We and our allies have made marijuana reform a mainstream political issue.

These initiatives broke new ground not just in the percentage of citizens who voted for them but also in gaining the support of new allies in law enforcement, business, labor, politics and people from across the political spectrum. They've generated conversations about marijuana legalization around the country, garnering an unprecedented level of support and diverse range of endorsements.

We've all worked incredibly hard to get here and the Drug Policy Alliance is proud to have played a pivotal role in the campaigns. But it wouldn't have happened without you.

You are the reason momentum has been building to legalize marijuana. Your support and dedication have led us to a watershed victory. You should be proud -- savor this historic moment!

But our work is far from finished, and we're already preparing for the next steps. We will keep fighting until all Americans are no longer criminalized for marijuana.


Ethan Nadelmann
Executive Director
Drug Policy Alliance


News Hawk- TruthSeekr420 420 MAGAZINE
Source: E-Mail
Author: Ethan Nadelmann
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