Marijuana prices


New Member
So I was having one of those moments today where you're like "hey I'm bored so I should think about everything and anything" so I started thinking about how much weed costs around the country. Here in Richmond VA it costs $15 minimum and up to $20 for good weed. In Troy new York though, my friend is able to get amazing weed for $10. Honestly I think that's just unfair. I made this so I could figure out the prices of weed across America. Please post below the state and if you're comfortable enough, the city in which you get your weed and the price for which you get it (I may or may not be stoned right now btw, all I'm saying is that gravity bongs are a great thing)
There is already a thread here about this exact topic. Also you have posted no units of measurement. One thing about marijuana prices is that they are generally consistent everywhere, but you can get lower prices for the same grade of marijuana if you know the right people. A lot of variables, so this thread really won't show you much.
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