Maryland May See Medical Marijuana Dispensaries After Vote

Robert Celt

New Member
Plans are on track in Maryland to open nearly 100 medical marijuana dispensaries next year.
The latest move in Annapolis is that the House of Delegates has voted to broaden the type of health care providers who would be allowed to prescribe the drug.

Under the state law legalizing medical marijuana, only physicians can prescribe medical marijuana. But the House has voted to extend that authority to dentists, podiatrists and nurses.
Delegate Erek Barron, D-Prince George's County, says the idea makes sense.

"These additional practice groups are trusted and in a position to make that call for their patients," Barron says.

Barron expects that the measure will be approved by the Senate.

The state has received 811 applications for licenses to open dispensaries but current plans call for just 94 dispensaries statewide. There also are 146 applications for licenses to cultivate and 124 applications for licenses to process medical marijuana.


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Full Article: Maryland May See Medical Marijuana Dispensaries After Vote
Author: Dick Uliano
Contact: WTOP
Photo Credit: None found
Website: WTOP
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