
The deadline for bills in the Maryland House to be transmitted to the
Senate is Monday, March 24. It is imperative that the Maryland House
Judiciary Committee take action on House Bill 1222, the Darrell Putman
Compassionate Use Act, as soon as possible.

We are very close to victory on this committee. The bill set a
national record for co-sponsors with 53, including eight members of
this key committee. We only need four other committee members to vote
in favor of the bill to send it to the House floor.

An excellent public hearing was held last Wednesday, March 13. It
featured compelling testimony from Maryland patients and legislators,
all of whom have had cancer at some time during their life. In
addition to their personal stories, committee members heard arguments
rebutting claims that federal law prevents Maryland from taking action
on this matter.

As a result of the hearing, several key delegates are weighing their
options. They need to hear from you. Your message of support could be
the determining factor in their decision to support H.B. 1222.

If you have not already, please take a few minutes and visit MPP's
Maryland Web site -- MD - MPP -- and send an e-mail to
the committee members asking them to vote for the bill. Also, be sure
to encourage the bill's supporters to be present at all of the
upcoming voting sessions. The vote could come at any time and we need
every legislator to be present and accounted for.

Thank you for your support throughout this session and over the last
two years. Now more than ever, we need you to take action in support
of medical marijuana.
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