Master Kush First Grow

Day 20 plant got gnats infestation really depressing anyone plz suggest me a 100% solution for gnats infestation.. plant nearly have stopped growing in size even no side branching development small fan leaves total stunned growth all though it's look healthy.

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Day 20
Sorry to hear that! The sand is interesting, hadn't seen it before. Do you have access to neem oil? Try spraying on undersides of the leaves. Also make sure to keep your growing area clean of any clippings, dead leaves, or other organic material that could decompose. This attracts pests.

You can also try yellow sticky papers that will catch them but won't really address the cause of the problem if they laid eggs in your topsoil. Often the critters will be in the top few cm of wet soil. Let it dry out. Between neem oil, dry soil, good circulation and yellow stickies, you should be able to get ahead of them (I had the same problem with aphids in my first grow, steps above fixed it).
Just normal table fan intake and exhaust PC fan temps can't help it's summer here so it shows 87° at min and 91° at max and about humidity I'm adjusting it with wet towels which come to 40 to 60 from dry to wet. Distance from light to canopy is 800mm aprox Any suggestions @spiffziggy coz I'm facing slow growth now days also plant had got fungus gnats infestation but I covered the top with sand dressing see above picture

Slow growth is likely because of your warm temperatures. At your stage of growth cannabis likes temperatures below 85F. I understand you're in a hot climate but that is why outdoor grows happen at certain times of the year and indoor grows do their best to regulate temperature. When it's hot, the plant wants to conserve water so slows its respiration and hence its growth.
I had a fungus gnat infestation on my orchid & bonsai trees this summer... was able to "capture" the adults with a wine trap... just leave a glass with about an inch of wine out & they will drown themselves. I also found a honey sugar water recipe online but you then implement a paper cone to trap them once they get in. Unfortunately they had laid eggs in my soil & I lost both plants... good luck to you!
I had a fungus gnat infestation on my orchid & bonsai trees this summer... was able to "capture" the adults with a wine trap... just leave a glass with about an inch of wine out & they will drown themselves. I also found a honey sugar water recipe online but you then implement a paper cone to trap them once they get in. Unfortunately they had laid eggs in my soil & I lost both plants... good luck to you!
. sad to hear that!!

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I hope you have better luck... I've read journals where people have come back from a gnat infestation, so you do have a chance. I believe I let it go on too long without noticing. Read around & see what has worked for people. Good vibes to you, my friend.
Hope all is well in your world.

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