Maximizing with plenty of space


New Member
I am growing in my basement, which is 1500 sq feet so I have plenty of room. The ceilings are 12 feet high. I am limited by law to growing 12 plants. What is the best way to maximize yeild? I was going to use scrog, but am thinking with all the space I have I should just let the things grow large, as this looks like what they do in the warehouses. If I do this, should I add some lights on the side of the plants to get to the undergrowth?

My set up is: 12 plants in ebb and flow buckets
3 1000 lights (although I can add more if necessary)
Basically unlimited room

My clones are a week old and rooting, so I need to start making this decision. About to put them in my system and begin vegging under MH lights, then I will switch to the HPS lights for flowering.

Any and all suggestions are very welcome

That sounds like plenty of light for 12 plants to me. I like to let my plants grow with only topping and some times fimming to get extra nodes. Im experimenting with LST right now and im told that it helps create better yields. Try both scrog and just letting them grow and see what you like best but with 12 foot ceilings you shouldn't have any problems with height.

Good luck
Thanks. Yeah I think the light is fine, just wondering if I let em grow high without scrog etc, if the undergrowth will get lit. I know they do this outside and get a pound a plant at least, but not sure that happens with indoor lights.

Thanks for your thoughts, appreciate it.
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