Med Bong Pics


New Member
As a medical user in California, I became interested in other states and their laws. Turns out there are quite a few states with med-pot laws (13 I believe). While California has the most liberal med pot laws out of all the states, I found Oregon to be the best implemented (THeir med pot program is run by state officisl, who issue out medical cards to all state approved patients). ANyway, I wandered onto an oregon med pot board, emailed them proof that I was a cali med pot patient, and I wsa given the password to their med board. Through that board, I met an oregon glass blower who did some amazing work. THis bong was custm made for my particular vision problems (IE: low color tones and yellow/blueish shades, 1 foot in length for perfect stoneage), and cost me 70 bucks, plus 10 for shipping.

Holy shit! I need to vacume my floor!!!


The spider making its way to its web.


There better be a fat nug in that web!


Maybe you all can help me out here. I think that this design at the top spells out S W I, most likely the designers initials. WHen I emailed the maker, he never responded to as if it was his initials or not (probably thought I was a nark or something LMAO). What do you all thnk> Trippy web design, or makers mark?


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Thanks :) Djcav is right....just to get into that message board I had to email my doctors recomendation to the site admin, then he had to call him up and verify it was authentic, and finaly I was allowed in :p That guy makes inexpensive pieces for the medical community, so unfortunatly, I wouldnt feel right giving his information to someone I wasnt certain was a medical user (although it is my belief that recreational users qualify as medical users, since smoking makes them happy, thus relieving get the picture) even though I would like to.
DJcav, after every use, I spend about 15 minutes clenaing that thing, inside and out, to keep it in prime condition. Im also a bong snob, and will only us epurified, filtraqted water in my baby LMAO. I also like to dunk sme ice cubes down the pipe into the water resevoir to chill up the water.
how is that bong specially made for your vision problem?????
rhomb....I explained my disease to the dude (who, in a weird twist of fate, knew what it was since a member of his family also suffers from it), and he made the colors very dark and soft. He also made it to my specifications, and added his own design.
im sayin some people just like making them things, for any reasons set aside. had to ask, it wouldnt be wasting time if hes makin loot right?
AJ, the key is to make friends with glass blowers. I actualy know a few, or have friends who know people who blow glass. THey are always tellig me if I give them a design or request, they will custom make anything I ask for. If only I had a lot of $$$, id get a super cool alice in wonderland glass piece, with glass figurines and shit protruding from all wouold be kick ass, telling the whole story all the way up its 3 foot stem.
TOkin, my vision for the Wonderland Bong would be to have parts of the story worked into the stem, which would be 3 feet long. Along thge stem glass figurines and lots of glass mushrooms will protrude from the glass. THe round water chamber will have glass cards jutting out from it, with a red heart, a black spade, a red diamond and a black club worked into the bottom, acting as a stand. On the fat bowl, a mini chesire cat will be climging, alomst INTO the bowl. The very top will have an old, wise looking rabbit staring at the top, jutting out.
King, thats just a bong that exists in my head : ) One day, when I have some extra $$$, I will call up a friendly glass artist, and ahve him make this for me.
I want a bong so bad :(
j8, I wanted one for a long time too. But the nice big ones were always out of my price range. With 80-100 bucks though, you can find yourself fat ass bongs on the internet. I hardly ever buy off of headshops, because they charge so much compared to the deals available on the web. Many places overseas make cheap glass bongs. Shipping is kind of pricey, but usualy the price of the bong is so cheap, its worth it even WITH the shipping.
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