Medical Marijuana Fight To Continue In Georgia

Robert Celt

New Member
Georgia's medical marijuana supporters aren't giving up their fight, and one family is continuing treatment, even though they can't get the drug in Georgia.

"It's heartbreaking, but it doesn't mean we're not going to come back and fight again. We're special needs parents and we get knocked down all the time and we come back a lot stronger," said Janea Cox.

Janea had two bottles of cannabidiol oil on the small table next to the couch in her living room. She said it's because of that medicine that her daughter, Haleigh, is still with her.

"She's trying to sit on her own. She gives hugs now. She tried to give you kisses back. It's the things I've waited so long for,"explained Janea.

The Forsyth family moved back to Georgia after the 2015 General Assembly passed Haleigh's Hope Act. Now they can use medical cannabis at home, but they don't have a way to legally get it in the state.

"We have two different houses in two different states. It's put a financial strain on us," said Janea.

State Representative Allen Peake introduced House Bill 757 this session. It included a model for growing the drug in Georgia. A House committee removed the option to grow it in-state, but added to the list of conditions that can use medical cannabis. The Georgia Senate didn't take a vote on the bill.

"It was pretty disappointing and disheartening particularly because of the fact that there were a lot of families there that had been fighting for this issue," recalled Peake.

Peake plans to introduce similar legislation next year. He hopes to have every key player on board by that time.

"If anything that I can be criticized for, it's that maybe we didn't get that before we introduced the legislation last year," said Peake.

Patients who are allowed to use medical marijuana have to find ways to get the drug since the in-state cultivation model didn't pass.

"They're going to take matters into their own hands. I fully expect that you're going to see a lot of families, who may have already started, continue to break the law to be able to get medicine for their loved one," said Peake.

Janea agrees.

"Haleigh's our number one priority and we'll do whatever she needs," said Janea.

For those who are still waiting to be able to use medical marijuana in Georgia, Janea has this message for you:

"Don't be too disheartened. Just make sure you keep your head up. We'll get through this all together," said Janea.


News Moderator: Robert Celt 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Medical Marijuana Fight To Continue In Georgia
Author: Alexa Rodriguez
Contact: 41NBC
Photo Credit: Seth Perlman
Website: 41NBC
I guess this has also been pointed out many times too, but there is also the fact that there are a lot of junkies and alcoholics that might be likely to switch over and use Cannabis as a "Gateway" to a LESS HARMFULL substance. Another point I would also like to make, is this. Everybody has heard of an angry drunk that starts fights or beats their wife, or even these meth-heads that thieve from people, ALL DAY LONG, just to KEEP fixed up with something WAY EX-TRE-ME-LY more dangerous than Cannabis, but how many people reading this have ever heard or said the words "Angry Pot-head"? I'm sure it's been said, MAYBE, but I've never heard it spoken before. One last point about CANNABIS, but CERTAINLY not the least important fact, is that, WHO, has ever heard of somebody running around ripping people off, to go get some damn herb? THERFORE, get REAL you SO-CALLED "UNITED States of America", because right now, you are NOT acting very UNITED at this point in time! People are SUFFERING, and all YOU have to do, is SAY, "We will now let ALL of the people of these beautiful USA once again use the seed bearing herb that GOD granted to us all!", AND THAT, "We are so terribly sorry that we ever took the peoples medicine away from them, because we were wrong to do so, and cause them to suffer so severely.".
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