Medical Marijuana: Is Kevin Mannix a Bigot?

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
The Oregon Medical Marijuana program was voted into law in 1998 by a substantial margin. Despite frequent newspaper stories and editorials demonstrating misleading misinformation that it was addicting and dangerous and was used only by “low-lifes”.

After eight years, Oregon’s program has turned into one of the most successful Medical Marijuana programs in the United States and is a model for most of the other ten states with similar laws. It now has about 15,000 patients and 2,200 physicians supporting the program.

In the face of all this, it appears that the two-time rejected Candidate for Governor, Mr. Mannix, has filed a petition which will repeal the current MEDICAL MARIJUANA LAW but the wording of the petition looks like it was put together by the scotch drinking firm of Sleezy, Slymy and Krupt, which is well known for this kind of deception. The petition indicates a pathetic lack of truth and fact.

The petition says that it will reduce “abuse of the system”. The 2,200 participating physicians will be surprised to learn that they are being duped into signing applications by clever, distrustful marijuana users.

Kevin Mannix doesn’t know that the synthetic drugs Marinol®, Casumet® and others, frequently cause very unpleasant panic attacks and are strongly avoided by most patients.

He seems to think Nurse Practitioners are allowed to sign applications. Wrong. Only M.D. and Osteopathic doctors can do this.

He does promote the plan that the Department of Health Services will help pay the cost of doctor visits and pay for medication. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS. Many patients are disabled and destitute.

He wants the physicians and/or Nurse Practitioners to monitor the patients. He doesn’t know that most, nearly all, of the patients have been using marijuana for years and are getting along very well coming in once a year for renewal.

He wants to stop the present legal system as of March 31, 2009. This will place 15,000 patients and 5,000 caregivers in an impossible legal situation. The 2,200 covering physicians will be in worse shape. It takes a whole year of “doctor time” to renew the 15,000 patients’ permit. The State Medical Marijuana Office is working at their maximum efficiency right now and is barely keeping up. The program is adding, at least, 100 new patients per week in additional to the 15,000 patients requiring renewal. There is no way they could handle this total fiasco.

Mr. Mannix needs far more factual medical information than he demonstrates in this strongly bigoted diatribe. VOTERS, YOU MUST REJECT THIS LAW – Initiative 104.

News Hawk- User
Contact: Salem-News.Com
Website: Is Kevin Mannix a Bigot?
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