Medical Marijuana Users Learn New Law

Medical marijuana advocates spent the day getting the word out about the new law that allows marijuana usage for medical treatment. The Tri-Cities chapter of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Association laid out all of the specifics for a group of patients who say marijuana has been their saving grace from pain.

"The message there is to keep your nose clean and comply with the law, and everything should be ok," said Greg Switala, one of the event organizers. He met with about three dozen supporters at the Hoyt Public Library in Saginaw Saturday afternoon.

Patients say they have been waiting for this moment for a long time. "I've been treating myself for five years, "said John Roberts who suffers from Hepatitis C.

"I can't take Tylenol or pills, stuff like that. Medical marijuana is very helpful. It alleviates lots of symptoms," he said.

Under the new law, the state is issuing ID cards which protect people from being arrested while using marijuana for medial treatments. "Primary caregivers," also known as suppliers and growers, must be at least 21-years-old. They cannot have any felony drug convictions. Switala said the meeting is mainly about information and for medical marijuana suppliers to know the law.

"If a patient steps outside the lines, if a qualified care giver sells marijuana to a non-qualified patient or caregiver they are subject to a $2,000 fine, jail time and a felony," he said.

News Hawk- Ganjarden 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: WEYI NBC25
Author: Dave Kinchen
Contact: WEYI NBC25
Copyright: 2009 WEYI NBC25
Website: Medical Marijuana Users Learn New Law
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This is good news for Michigan patients, but they would be wise to read the fine print of the law very carefully. In my state, Hepatitis C is also a qualifying condition for MMJ, however, there is a catch. You must also suffer from "intractable pain not releived by standard medical treatments"

What this means is each potential patient must have explored every option from Tylenol to hard core Opiates, by recommendation of their primary physician, before MMJ can be considered. In otherwords, you had better be on your deathbed before any prosecuting attorney will let you off the hook if you are caught growing. Simple possession may be another story.

The lawyers that draft the laws for state legislators are very crafty devils. They will throw as many hurdles in front of a potential patient as possible. Patients can and do qualify for MMJ however, the criteria can be very strict, depending on the state you live in.

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