Medical Pot Club Radio Ad

A Sacramento cannabis club has taken to the airwaves to advertise it's product.

"There's no need to suffer in silence. Canna Care is here to help," proclaims the ad.

Bryan Davies runs Canna Care, a medical marijuana collective that's been in business since 2005. Back then, his ads ran only in counter-culture publications. Main stream media wouldn't air ads for illegal drugs, So his new ad on K-Hits, 92.1 FM Radio is ground breaking, at least locally

It helps that the Federal Government has backed off on its raids on medical pot, which is legal in California. Bryan says how could you not advertise.

"I get up out of my advertised bed, go out to eat my advertised cereal, drinking my advertised coffee," said Davies. He also says ads for medical pot collectives are common in southern California.

Bryan is patriotic and a devout Christian who hands out bibles in his pot shop. You wouldn't think god, partriotism and growing pot would go together, but Bryan sees nothing wrong with it.

"A nation under God is a nation of strength and prosperity," said Davies.

He wouldn't use this stuff when his doctor first suggested it for arthritis.

"I didn't want to use it...if my children came home with it I'd flush it down the toilet,"said Davies.

Now he's all about letting people know how he can help others, even if the ads only suggest marijuana without actually mentioning it.

"If you're coping with chronic pain, arthritis, nausea glaucoma or side effects from chemo, there are reliable alternatives," says the ad.

He and his wife Lynette are now advocates for legalizing and regulating pot.

"It should have never been made illegal," said Davies.

News Hawk- Ganjarden 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: KTXL-TV
Author: Lonnie Wong
Contact: KTXL-TV
Copyright: 2009 KTXL-TV
Website: Medical Pot Club Radio Ad
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