Medication. :]


New Member
I've never had an experience with using weed as medicine. I don't get sick often, and if it's a throat cold, i don't smoke. I woke up this morning at 4:30 with the worst stomach flu imaginable. I won't go into details, it effing sucks.

Called into work, writhed around in pain all day, didn't eat, slept so much my body hurt. Woke up from stomach pain. Finally had enough energy to stand on my bed and get my bong down from the shelf. Took two small hits, and my stomach feels fine. I think I might go get some food. My body doesn't hurt anymore from being over rested, and my spinny headache turned into a pleasant high. I'm so chill!

I'm not saying that I, prior to today, didn't support the use of medical marijuana. I'd just never experienced it on my own!

Stomach flu is going around big time lately, I got it because in the hospital waiting room yesterday everyone was puking and had the stomach flu, and i was there for a while. (I was there with my grandpa who recently got pneumonia, and he already has asthma and cancer, not doing well at all so please keep us in your thoughts :] <3)

I hope I see a time where hospital waiting rooms have vaporizers! :slide:
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