More stupid stoners in the news...

Whoa I live in Buffalo and hadn't heard that. Nasty shit.

I once went to Quizno's while totally blazed. The guy who took our order knew some of my friends and he tried to confuse us by talking about weird stuff. Asshole.
Stoner4Life said:
Dumber than a box of rocks........ until they LEGALIZE driving while stoning you keep it stashed. no respect.........

from the looks of it, they weren't out to get your respect
Nope it's not legal here and in fact since the conservatives took power in our government, things have been going the other way. The Liberals were pushing for decrimilization though.

Pot in Canada is a LOT more lax than the states. We dont go to jail for a measly ounce or two.. nor for much more either. usually a slap on the wrist maybe a fine or community service,

One summer all thelaws were up in the air, so all cases were being dropped in court..

but in a simple way to answer your it is NOt legal... but wow, is the pot great here!
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