Mother and Son Growing Medical Marijuana in Southern Colorado

Colorado has a new cash crop: marijuana. Growing pot for medical use is one of the booming businesses in the state. One family has turned nearly 40 acres in southern Colorado into a money making venture.

Within the plastic walls of a small greenhouse, a business is booming for Jason Irwin, and his mother Diane.

"This is me and my mom's little marijuana farm," Jason said, motioning to a small group of structures and vehicles.

The second of their two greenhouses sits next to a small motor-home where Diane oversees the operation.

"I sold my salon and moved down to the country," Diane said.

The pair now grows their crops in La Veta, Colorado southwest of Walsenburg, nearly 200 miles from where Diane used to own a successful Aveda Salon.

"I gave Jason some money when I sold the Salon. Just trusted him to do what he thought was best, to invest the money and help us get ahead financially," she said. They talked again when he came up with a plan. "He said he was going to open a dispensary and I said 'Go for it!'"

His idea was to buy 37 acres near the Greenhorn Mountains to supply his own, legal, dispensary with medical marijuana.

"The growers deal with a lot of the poundage which is where the dollars are," Jason said.

On pure faith, Diane began in the modest trailer in La Veta.

"She also started hanging the buds in here. She did half the harvest in here," said Jason. "She lived in here by herself with no real heat or water in this camper."

"It was an adventure that I never though about experiencing," Diane said. "When we finished it was like an Outward Bound course for me."

She went on to say the grow operation is an adventure she never thought she'd take after years of catching Jason with pot and throwing it away.

Her son now claims he grosses $5,000 a day as a certified medicine provider, paying city and state taxes since day one.

Now, mom says they're both in for the long haul.

"I really do feel that were pioneers bringing new life to medical marijuana and it's exciting," Diane said.

Colorado is one of 14 states that has legalized medical marijuana. Federal law still bans its use. The justice department has recently announced it would no longer seek to prosecute people using, prescribing or distributing marijuana for medical purposes as long as they're in compliance with local laws.

News Hawk- Ganjarden 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Copyright: 2009 Gray Television, Inc
Great story.
With all due respect these two are not very bright. They tell the world their taking in 5K a day!!?? They better use some of the 5K for some good security. Further, didn't they remember that the Feds, regardless of what Obama recommended, might take them down since they are using the word "PROFIT", A BIG NO-NO IN THE EYES OF THE FEDS. There are some things you don't brag about, growing large sums of pot with large sums of money is one of them.
Let's see if I have this straight. Mom lends son money to buy property for business, son buys 37 acres and then puts up 2 SMALL green houses and then he begins netting $5000 a day? is it just me or do ya really need 37 acres for 2 small greenhouses? Hmmmm, one would have to wonder what Jason's doin with the rest of the acreage? Think about it, $5000 a day income with only 2 small greenhouses and Mom hangin buds in her camper? That's a lot of meds hangin in Mom's trailer to crack 5 grand a day, not to mention a lot of trimmin for po 'ol Momski. 'Course, she did cut hair for a livin so I imagine she's pretty quick with a pair of scissors but still....5 g's a day? I think it's time Mom audited her son's books. :cool:That or someone's not tellin the whole story. peace:MF
The post with all those details has to be either phony or too stupid to believe. If true, why don't they just hang out an open house sign?
Please keep us posted on this. The outlaws might ride again.
Yeah five grand a day does seem a little extreme. If he had said every week it would be more believable. Either way I see this turning into somewhat of a gold rush, with people flocking to these med states, especially in these rough economic times, not that there's anything wrong with that of course.

I gotta agree with grow4ever on this too. Anybody making any kind of decent money doing something certainly doesn't advertise it to the world. A couple simple reasons would be 1 - not to let anybody know what you have, because once you do that everybody starts coming after your ass, and 2 - so that everyone else and their momma won't come over there trying to do the same thing and ruin it for you. It's unfortunate that things are this way. I wish this opportunity was available to everybody, everywhere. But it's not.
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