My cryout to humanity


New Member
Hay everyone,

Nuff is enough with their lies and tricks...
historically there is so much confusion....
religeiously there is so much confusion...


The herbs a gift, its from the earth... Believe it or not, its undoubtly of the greatest worth.
Nuff is enough with their lies and tricks...

I am a conscious man, and I know what is right... AND... I love marijuana.

So finally, if you dont like my fire... dont come around, because I am going to burn one down....
Its the healing of the nation... Right? ^_~

I am so sick and tired of what the system has caused today...
Everywhere I look, I just see pain and suffering...
Yea, sure... we all keep smiling cause that is what we got to do...

I believe there is a better way though..
I dont mean to preach, but I do believe that people should be open minded to both sides of the story, assumption is the mother of all #$@^ups, and assuming something is bad, with no real evidence... Could indeed cause quiet the #$^&up.

To all thee other fellow stoners out there, I ask of you to educate yourselves. Make it your responsibility to know the truth about our beloved plant. Spread this truth.
you can even go as far as saying UNITE the world as one...
Where EVERYONE on this planet knows how to heal themselves.
Where everyone knows how to feed themselves...
HEMP makes the strongest, warmest, softest, longest lasting fibre...
Fibre, has many many many uses.
The hemp seed, has thee most protien out of all 3 million other foods out there.

The medicinal powers of Cannabis is …........ There is no word to put here, you simply have to go out and find the truth for yourselves if you dont already know.

We are made to believe that money is the most important thing on this earth.
To you people who believe this, you have no idea what this life is really worth.

I ask you all brothers and sisteres, no matter what colour your skin, or what religious view points you have.... lets all unite for the better of humanity. There must be a better way, if you just open your eyes, and stop falling for the lies and tricks... Our leaders are ment to want what is best for our world. I ask you this then leaders.... WHY ARE YOU DENYING US THE GREATEST GIFT FROM THE EARTH??? It is the most beneficial natural resource that we have at our disposal, and the ONLY thing it is being used for right now... is to BOOST the criminal industry and put some money into big businesses pockets..

What are you scared of?

420 lets unite.
Thats you people, thats us all...
420 – Lets not be scared of change people.

I know many of you have found extreme comfort within this system that we have today. It will be the hardest for you to accept the truth about this herb. I ask you please, before you knock it... try it first? For you will see it is a blessing and it is not a curse.....

I want to praise to god, jah, allah, jessus, who ever it might be, the all mighty creator, And thank him for giving us this lovely treasure.

Help educate each other. . .
Together we can make a difference.
I am pretty high as a kite while typing this cryout to all of you, but something tells me that you get my point? humanity means so much to me, I just want the best for everyone. DENYING us the RIGHT to heal ourselves. DENYING us the RIGHT to make use of the best and most wonderous plant out there? Aint right.

Its evil.
You could perhaps be uneducated about CANNABIS, you could perhaps believe that it is bad for you. I am sorry to tell you, that you have been decieved.
If you are against this plant, which no doubt, hands down, straight up... was given by the good guy up there... then your rooting for the bad guy, PERHAPS not intentially, but that is what is happening.

The truth cant be kept away forever.
My name is Tiaan, its time for a change, lets make it happen.

420 let us all unite.

Much love and peace to you all.
Together we are going to make a change.
Thanks for your time.
hi Free4d2a0weed
:welcome: to the friendliest place around :hookah:
lots of friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful people here, so sit back, relax, enjoy, and ask questions.

that was one book of an introduction, keep spreading the good vibes man,

these threads are great places to get info or refer people to :)

How to Grow Cannabis - Everything You Need to Know!

Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial

and if ya need a hand uploading pics

Photo Gallery Guide - How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

See ya around the forums:) :peace: :hookah: :goodluck:
Welcome to 420, YOU ARE ON FIRE! :welcome:such a peaceful and informative site.

You've found a very helpful site, well versed in knowledge about growing, legalization, medical uses, and even info on cooking with herb! Indoor, Outdoor, Soil, or Hydro (I'm a bubbles grower) CFLs, or HID lights, it is ALL here!

And the most helpful MODs you've ever met! Just ask one or any member here for guidance! Look for The Butcher, Green007, or Mostly Crazy, they are very knowledgable. OldMedicineMan has a great thread of information too! He's an old cool hippy about 68 or 69 years old. CocoJoe is another cool dude to check out. He's super helpful. :thumb:

The home Page is divided into Forums with Topic Titles. Those Forums are divided into THREADS, and those THREADS are divided into POSTS. You started a THREAD in the Forum INTRODUCE YOURSELF and the replies are additonal POSTS in your THREAD.
I wish someone had explained that to me my first day.

Peace I hope to see you around the forums. :peacetwo:
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