My First Time Grow Journal: Pictures, Descriptions, Timelines

What's up all! I got the day off from work and I'm outside enjoying an awesome view.

Yesterday was harvest day for my jalapenos. Ended up canning 4 different varieties and overwintering my plants for this fall.

Little update on all the girls inside. This is the OIRGINAL GIRL out of all of the plants I had. This is her now:
She doesn't have much to her, but damn, if I take her out to water her or just look at her it's like a skunk picked all over my house. If I stick my nose right on her buds, or I smell my fingers after touching her [when I cut my clone] it smells like the cereal fruity pebbles. That's the only way I can describe it. I have know idea what strain she is.
I've noticed she has gotten really yellow. I haven't changed anything. Is it coming near harvest?

Moving on we have our clone taken from the above plant. She's still looking green and I hope she roots

Hope you guys and gals have a great day!!!!

I still have the males btw:
What you guys think? Just snapped these. How long until I can cut her? A huge leaf just fell off because it was so yellow and dry, I let it go natural. You can tell from the photos. Bud sites are so crystally and green.

Might clone this one:

Here she is no idea what to call her. 20181107_191505.jpg20181107_191419.jpg20181107_191435.jpg20181107_191457.jpg


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Not the prettiest girls at the party right now are they? It just means they're hungry it's a good thing.
If those green leaves up at the top are still supple and not wilty your good.
They can look pretty rough before they get better. I know I've said it before but it's the most common mistake everyone makes: be sure not to overwater. Just keep the soil damp not wet.
Not the prettiest girls at the party right now are they? It just means they're hungry it's a good thing.
If those green leaves up at the top are still supple and not wilty your good. They can look pretty rough before they get better. I know I've said it before but it's the most common mistake everyone makes: be sure not to overwater. Just keep the soil damp not wet.

I want to cut off some other little pop corn nuggets and try to clone, but the stems are very short and it's not much to it. I'm thinking about sticking them in little soil pods, and placing a little plastic dome over them. I really just want one successful one, but this girl hasn't grown much. What you think boss?
I have been wanting to do that, and I think I just I have two nugs, one on each top, but one of the nugs has a little popcorn nug coming from it...its kind of small but will it work? I'll take pics.
@TurboBucket this is the most I have touched my nugs. I've never really knew how the bud is formed on here but I see now.

Anyways this is the bigger of the two main nugs. See the little two nugs from the right and left sides of the main cola? Those hairs are straight white. Would it be possible to pollinate those little babies and still keep the main one good? Are they even big enough to support seeds ?

Should I pollinate the smaller of the two main colas instead?
Don't really have any pollen socks open. Most are closed and green. Maybe can find a few more slightly open. I squeezed some and a little tiny bit of gold dust came out.
Yes if pollen gets on a pistil it will make a seed. Assuming the plant is strong enough to grow one.

The sacks should be getting ripe soon. You can try and harvest the pollen and only pollinate those two little tiny nugs but you'll end up touching the top one too.
Just shake a male or both over top of her for the next couple weeks and pick the seeds out when you harvest it all. It takes 6 weeks for seeds to mature so don't chop early. Worst case scenario you get an oz of sleepy time weed full of seeds. Sounds like a win. And it's easy.
Make up my mind man.
You didn't want to buy seeds, I thought that's why you were messing around with all this. Haha.
If your worried about lineage, pitch em. You'll never know, you could send tissue samples in for DNA testing if you want to waste more money.

Chuck your males. Flower the female. Abandon the clone(s). Buy real genetics.
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