N.J. Medical Marijuana Law Deadline To Be Delayed To Next Year

The State Senate has passed a bill that would extend the deadline to roll out New Jersey's medical marijuana program to early January.

The bill gives Gov. Chris Christie's administration 90 more days for the program to begin. When former Gov. Jon Corzine first signed the law in January, the deadline was October 1.

The bill passed 27-5. The Assembly is expected to take it up later today.

"While the governor's office requested up to a year delay, another 90 days is a reasonable compromise," said state Sen. Nicholas Scutari (D-Union), the medical marijuana bill's sponsor. "But let me be clear, I expect the administration to move expeditiously to complete its work by the new deadline. Too many people suffering with severe and debilitating illnesses, some of them terminal, have already waited too long."

The Star-Ledger reported earlier this month that the Christie administration also wants to amend the law to grow and distribute all medical marijuana from Rutgers University's agricultural center, which would eliminate the possibility of entrepreneurial growers and dispensaries getting some of the state's business. It would further tightening what is already one of the most restrictive medical marijuana laws in the country.

NewsHawk: Ganjarden: 420 MAGAZINE
Source: NJ.com
Author: Matt Friedman
Contact: NJ.com
Copyright: New Jersey On-Line LLC.
Website: N.J. medical marijuana law deadline to be delayed to next year

* Thanks to MedicalNeed for submitting this article
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