Naches To Ban Medical Cannabis Gardens

Jacob Bell

New Member
NACHES, Wash. – This Upper Valley town is taking the most aggressive stance so far in Yakima County against medical marijuana gardens and dispensaries.

At Monday night's regular meeting, the town council asked its attorney to draft an ordinance banning such operations from Naches, a town of about 830 residents that stretches little more than a mile along Highway 12.

Most other towns and cities have adopted temporary moratoriums, not outright bans.

Naches officials worry that there is little room for such operations, and that allowing them may drive up policing costs, said Town Administrator Jeff Ranger.

The town boasts three schools, and a large park complex that includes baseball fields, and has a contract with the Sheriff's Office for police coverage.

"We're a small town. Start multiplying schools, will it cost more to contract with sheriffs?," Ranger said. "Let's face it, we do have a contract with them. There are some real unknowns for us and we have to stay within budget and cost is something we have to look at."

The measure only affects gardens and dispensaries and doesn't prevent patients from growing or possessing a 60-day supply, which is allowed by state law.

Council members are expected to approve the ordinance next month, Ranger said.

Naches is taking the most aggressive stance so far in the Yakima Valley since the new state law allowing up to 10 qualifying patients to grow 45 plants in a collective garden took effect in July.

Other cities, such as Yakima, Wapato, Zillah and Sunnyside have enacted six-month moratoriums against them while they figure they can legally regulate them.

State law conflicts with federal law, which still considers marijuana an illegal drug.


News Hawk- Jacob Ebel 420 MAGAZINE
Author: Phil Ferolito
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Copyright: Yakima Herald-Republic
Website: Naches to ban medical marijuana gardens
It's getting bad when these little hick towns are outlawing MMJ gardens in their piss-ant tiny towns. What are the few patients who live there or in the area going to do about getting or growing there medicine??? For years now the people who live back east have been under the opinion that the far west had very easy MMj laws and now there learning different. RD :peace::peace::peace:
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