Need advice on venting!

Buddsy Malone

New Member
I know I'll probably get shouted at for being amateur but I've got a problem with my grow tent.
I've just started out,and I've got a fan in there but I'm worried I havnt got an exhaust fan.its a small project and I can't really hook one up due to a few issues.
Is it possible to get a similar effect by setting up a simple fan blowing through an exhaust hole at the top of the tent? I have an intake hole at the bottom by the fan to,so it should hopefully create a negative air pressure and keep the fresh Co3 coming in?
Anyway! That's my idea,is it total pants or will it maybe work?
Thanks : )
Buddsy it sound like it would work if the fans close enough. you could set it up and give a smoke test just blow a small puff of smoke at the fan if it blows all/mos of it out you're good if it just blows it around you're could take some cardboard& ducttape and make a cylinder/cone or box to go around fan to hole a homemade duct of sort for better airflow.
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