Need Advise on Airborne Spores


New Member
I'm waiting for a transplant. Future transplant recipients have their blood checked to a higher degree than the general population. Many of the tests have a witness present, during the drawing of blood. In states that have no medicinal marijuana programs, they are kicked out of the transplant program if their blood shows any drug, weed or alcohol. No second chances, and no retesting. You are just kicked out. I'm curious if weed releases any spores into the air that might be ingested like "secondhand smoke".
Thank you for your reply. Sorry I wasn't more descriptive of the growing conditions. There are no male plants in the area, just female plants in an indoor hydroponic grow room. The grow room is adjacent to my bedroom. I am starting the bloom stage, and will be using disposable plastic gloves in case there is any possibility of resin permeating the skin. I'm just hoping that I'm not missing anything as I'm on uncharted ground for me. The good thing is that if I get a transplant, will I no longer have my blood checked for THC and will be free to partake again.
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