Need help identifying sex asap!


New Member
Checked on my plants today, and found these on two of my plants on the upper buds. wondering if anyone can help me identify these as male or female? are these just the buds forming or are they males? plants are pretty hairy and didnt have them three days ago... gotta get em out asap if they are males!!!thnks if anyone can help

Checked on my plants today, and found these on two of my plants on the upper buds. wondering if anyone can help me identify these as male or female? are these just the buds forming or are they males? plants are pretty hairy and didnt have them three days ago... gotta get em out asap if they are males!!!thnks if anyone can help


It's a hermie. There are both male and female parts.
thnks, should i get rid of them? hate to do it, but if its gonna ruin my other plants imma have to, thnks Doc..

Some people just pull off the pollen sacks with success, and there doesn't look like a lot, but I've never done that and no guarantee it won't grow more.
Some people just pull off the pollen sacks with success, and there doesn’t look like a lot, but I’ve never done that and no guarantee it won’t grow more.

If you don't have a lot of plants and you have time to look at them every day, I think I'd just keep castrating them.

A question comes to mind: If hemaphroditism is sometimes the result of stress, is there something you can do to make your plants happier? Not pointing a finger--I know this happens spontaneously--but it does seem worth asking...
decided to put the two hermies down to be safe... on a positive note, it gives me more space in my room but since the sacs were young and at the beginning of flower, my other plants should be fine though right? can hermies pollinate that early and with the pollen sacs that young? they are just starting 3rd week of flower. the other five are definately female and flowering well. i'll keep a close eye on them thats for sure...
R.i.P. indeed the hardest thing i've had to do in and for awhile... but out of all the seven kinda expected it to be Grumpy that would pull some shit like this, lol... wasnt called Grumpy for no reason, always liked causing problems, and good thing caught Sneezy before he could sneeze out all that pollen
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