Need your opinions, 1st timer


New Member
Just want to hear what you think of this as a first setup. Got a good deal on a Hydrofarms Megagarden ($90 new!) setup in a 3'X3'X5' grow tent, using a 250W MH bulb in an unvented hood. Light set was free to me so that's why I went with the 250w bulb, as it was the biggest the unit could safely handle. The fixture is 18" from the tops of my plants. Should I get decent results using that bulb? Everything else I found out on the forum has been a great help. Thanks in advance.
the bulb your using is rated for your ballast right? The old mag ballasts required a bulb rated the same as the ballast. Ie...250 bulb required a 250 ballast There are new dialable electronic ballasts now that allow one to use differnt bulbs with one ballast.
The more even you can keep your canopy the better results you can achieve. I'd place a fan blowing between the hood and plants to disperse the heat. Otherwise all sounds good.
Hey thanks a lot. Its a sun systems hood with a built in ballast and it's marked MH 250W max only so I figured I'd just stick to that, to be safe. Thanks again.
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