Neptunes Harvest SW136 Organic Liquid Seaweed

Just picked up a nice 32oz bottle of some Neptunes Organic Seaweed. I see people using different brand and what not but have anyone tried this "Neptunes" line at all? Any pros/cons? Found a couple threads on different sites with no good information. Any input appreciated!!

I also picked up 2 lbs on Azomoite, I read its kinda controversial but for that cheap I'll give it a try!!
I will post updates to let ya'll know if they are helping my garden! Thanks!

-CA215 :peace:
Well i'm afriad i don't use that brand as its not aviable in my country !

How ever i do use liquid sea weed feeds myself... & know that they are full of trace micro nutrients some 40 plus with natural occuring amino acids etc being all very good for soil grows as it helps support the benifical microrganisms 'n' stuff :thumb:

At the end of the day liquid sea weed nutrients are a poor mans version of micro nutrient solution which are more than often bloody expensive.

I also collect sea weed from my local beach to use on the back garden for growing :Namaste:
Thanks for the reply Fuzzy Duck! :thumb:

I also collect sea weed from my local beach to use on the back garden for growing :Namaste:

You must have some killer compost/soil brotha :goodjob:

May I ask how you use it in your feeds? Im using bpn nutes and trying to keep everything as organic as possible so mixing some of this organic seaweed/low doses in every other feed im hoping wont have any ill side effects. Of course I will be checking the % breakdown compared with the bpn and what not to make sure I don't overkill!! Thanks for the input bud!

Well my liquid sea weed nutrient is by Biobizz & called alg-a-mic which has a low NPK ratio plus trace micro nutrients which i use with every mix of nutrients/feed.

I normally keep it on the low side whilst in veg of only a couple of ML per litre water & then double application rate whilst in flower as flowering is quite an intensive time for plants plus with most feeding programmes nutrients do increase through out the flowering period !

I must admitt its pretty difficult to over do organic nutrients to induce nutrient burn & liquid sea weed is pretty much on the mild side depending on NPK ratio of different brands ! but would suggest keeping a base level of application throught the grow.

Now the sea weed collected from the local beach is often done in the autumn/early winter time in my part of the world & best collected after a period of strong wind to dislodge old sea weed from the rocks to be collected or washed up upon the high water mark of the beach...

Infact sea weed as a fertilizer has been used for at least some 300 years in some parts of the world :thumb:

My garden is often left fallow during the winter months of which i apply the sea weed as a mulch over the garden of which i cover up with a porus black weed mat by the time spring arrives 95% of the sea weed has rotted down & what nutrients are aviable are in the top few inches of the soil.

Of which i do practice a NO dig technique for shallow rooted plants !

I also do mix some sea weed with my compost heap around the same time & compost used is often for the plants which require more of planting hole/deeper rooting plants to make good benifit of the compost used.

Ye ya can get some pretty impressive & healthy plants with the use of sea weed fertilizers.
Good read above, Fuzzy Duck!

I've used 1 dose of the Neptunes Harvest on my indoor plants and plants look very well. I undershot the recommended dose of course as always using 3 tsp/4 gallons, and seems to be working fine. I also have added 1 dose of Great White Mycorhizae couple weeks ago, and 1tsp/gallon or so molasses in every feeding, one watering today with 6.4 pH balance water. Nothing seems to be effecting the garden negatively feed wise that I know of. Only white PM & gnat issues now.

I might try and use some of this stuff mixed very lightly next grow as a foliar spray and see how that does!

-CA215 :peace:
I do believe you can use the product for foliar feeding of which i've sent the link of their main website in a PM to you.

Unfortunaly their on directions/application rate of use for foliar feeding seemed missing inless its all the same ?

But none the less you will find contact details on their website to seek advice if required for application rate for folair feeding :thumb:

I use the Biobizz alg-a-mic sea weed & fish mix nutrients for folair feeding myself mainly on clones & young plants in veg.

You may like to flick through this link/website also - SNS 203 Soil Drench Spray | Sierra Natural Science for products to control powedery mildew & fungus gnats... Their also a forum sponsor & certianly american based company :high-five:

If suffering with mildew that could well be a sign of high humidity which could lead to other problems such as bud rot in flowering... so ya gonna need to tame that by improving air flow around canopy of plants or improving ventilation.

Fungus gnats are pretty much harmless, its the larvea of gnat which does the damage to the roots & seedlings, sprouts, rooting clones, plants of a few weeks old are at risk of root damge/death...

Mature plants normally can endure but gnats can be long term deprimental to plant health.
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