Fuzzy Duck
Well-Known Member
The Perfect Pipe has been with myself for just over a month & high time I wrote something about it.
For such a small pipe with the bowl only being 8mm width by 10mm length you pack it as tight as you like it doe's not effect the draw a great deal & you need to inhale like you are puffing on a cigar nice 'n' gentle
Do not treat it as a one hitter due to size, on average you can get 2 to 3 puffs per bowl on the exhale you can achieve some pretty fine clouds with a vape / bong effect... its like, smooth tasty vape with combustion after taste of the bong or pipe which I'm sure the filter plays its part in the smoothness.
Takes a little while to master, I like to watch the embers glow in the bowl just a small glow on the inhale then exhale.
The first pipe I used I did not clean for a month & that is the one with the brush in on the 2nd pic... twice a day for a month as some guides lines suggested the gauze may block in so many hits ?
Not the case & gauze being used again.
I soaked the brush in some isopropyl stuffed the brush in with little bit of elbow grease nice 'n' easy cleaning, the bowl which gets caked in ash/grim if that doe's not clean so easy I'll suggest a good soak in boiling water to soften any harden residue up & that should do the trick !
They say one use only ideally, but you can get a few hits per filter this largely depends on how clean your pipe is the dirty the pipe is the quicker the filter degrade with grim this also effects taste a little.
Apart from that I quite like the perfect pipe & on a off note, I can only compare this pipe with the mighty cricket from Men in Black movie.
For such a small pipe with the bowl only being 8mm width by 10mm length you pack it as tight as you like it doe's not effect the draw a great deal & you need to inhale like you are puffing on a cigar nice 'n' gentle
Do not treat it as a one hitter due to size, on average you can get 2 to 3 puffs per bowl on the exhale you can achieve some pretty fine clouds with a vape / bong effect... its like, smooth tasty vape with combustion after taste of the bong or pipe which I'm sure the filter plays its part in the smoothness.
Takes a little while to master, I like to watch the embers glow in the bowl just a small glow on the inhale then exhale.
The first pipe I used I did not clean for a month & that is the one with the brush in on the 2nd pic... twice a day for a month as some guides lines suggested the gauze may block in so many hits ?
Not the case & gauze being used again.
I soaked the brush in some isopropyl stuffed the brush in with little bit of elbow grease nice 'n' easy cleaning, the bowl which gets caked in ash/grim if that doe's not clean so easy I'll suggest a good soak in boiling water to soften any harden residue up & that should do the trick !
They say one use only ideally, but you can get a few hits per filter this largely depends on how clean your pipe is the dirty the pipe is the quicker the filter degrade with grim this also effects taste a little.
Apart from that I quite like the perfect pipe & on a off note, I can only compare this pipe with the mighty cricket from Men in Black movie.