New Children's Book By Young Author Seeks To Normalize Concept of MMJ Use

Truth Seeker

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While the use, sale and possession of Cannabis is illegal in the United States, its medical benefits cannot be understated. Critically-acclaimed and successfully used to treat everything from pain to spasticity, its application still suffers scrutiny and a cold shoulder from millions who have trouble separating its medical and recreational differences.

'If a Peacock Finds a Pot Leaf' is breaking new ground in this area, as seventeen-year-old author Morgan Carman seeks to open a dialogue between adults and children to discuss and accept the plant's medical uses.


This is a fairytale-style story about Peter the peacock going for a walk, he stumbles upon a strange leaf that he takes off with him to learn about. His friend Benjamin Beaver informs him that it is called Cannabis, and it can be used for many different medical conditions.

He goes on to meet with many helpful creatures including a vaporizing spider, The Four Rasta Pigs, and he also visits a medical marijuana clinic to acquire a medical marijuana license.

As the author explains, her book can be of real benefit to many children who are perfect candidates for the use of Medical Cannabis.

"I'm a seventeen year old and I primarily wrote this book for the kids who have Cancer, Autism, OCD, Epilepsy, and other conditions that are currently being treated with Medical Marijuana in children. We are trying to normalize the concept of the use of Medical Cannabis by children, as more people now than ever are turning to it to help with their ailments, and legalization is becoming a heated topic in various states," says Carman.

She continues, "We want to re-educate the misinformed, and put a smile on the face of the children who are already using Medical Marijuana."

It appears the book's message is resonating with adults; garnering a consistent string of rave reviews since its recent release.

For example, one parent commented, "Amazing! A nice story for children and adults, to be educated on medical cannabis with a fairytale format. The illustrations are beautiful. My boy had me read it to him three times last night. Just what society needs — to re-educate our youth."

With the book's popularity increasing, interested readers are urged to purchase their copies as soon as possible.


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Author: SBWIRE
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Website: If a Peacock Finds a Pot Leaf: New Children's Book by Young Author Seeks to Normalize Concept of Medical Cannabis Use | May 1, 2013
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