New grower and my setup


New Member

Yes I am a noob to growing this my set up,

this box to parts the top

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the lights are cfl and a led. Any input would be very nice and thank you!!!
all most every thing came from the dump - the fans and seals around the doors
looking good mate,
what setup you doing?
sog scrog? or just growing em out?

whats that led?.. how much she set ya back

good luck
GlowPanel 45 is the led, its 5ft x5ft i got it from ebay for 50 bucks.(if the led dose not work i will pick up 200 w hps that i am saving for now)
i have about 200 in to it with hydroponic nutrients
i have for my next grow white widow for this one it will be some seeds that i saved over the years from good bags i will start a mother white widow in a few weeks need to get top part with vents and lighting set up

Yes I am a noob to growing this my set up,

this box to parts the top



the lights are cfl and a led. Any input would be very nice and thank you!!!
all most every thing came from the dump - the fans and seals around the doors

just trying to clean up the post for you... :)

looking good,, what about exaust,, is the top for veg? what are you putting there,,
thank you so much for fixing that how did u do that?
yes top will be for veg and the mother plant when i get my white widow in. i need to add power and vents to the top, one more trip to the dump should get the last of the parts i need :)
i think the bottom will be ok i have 2 fans 4" one bring air in and one taking air out ??
your welcome :) if you look right next to the smiley face, in the post window, you will see an icon to the left of it,, if you click on it, a window will open, that has all you pictures in it,, just click on the pics, and it will embed them into your post..

the way I fixed yours was to view the pic, click on properties, and it has the exact url to the jpg file,, then I copied and pasted into your post, with IMG tags..

anyways.. looks good... good on the ventilation, what are the temps like in the cab? definately interested in seeing your grow.. :goodluck:
One of the hottest days yesterday and didn't get over 83 inside cab was hotter in my house then the cab lol. Most days it sits right around 74-77 :)
GlowPanel 45 is the led, its 5ft x5ft i got it from ebay for 50 bucks.(if the led dose not work i will pick up 200 w hps that i am saving for now)
i have about 200 in to it with hydroponic nutrients
i have for my next grow white widow for this one it will be some seeds that i saved over the years from good bags i will start a mother white widow in a few weeks need to get top part with vents and lighting set up

Hey Opus,
Are those bubbles I see in the res. :)

I am a newbie too, Just wanted to let you know, the GlowPanel 45 only covers 5 square feet. Which is about a square footprint of 28 inches. But ya got a dang good price on the light. I will tell ya that much. And it seems like ya got some really good temps.

I'll be watching.
yeah im thinking i might be going to a hps 200 watt will work for this cab, we will see how the buds turn out
hay opus.. the setup looks very good. with this conditions definitely the white weedo is gonna b very yammii lol...

We happy to more pictures later
good luck to y
so i made some mods i had power cord running in now i put plugs in

then i picked up a light for veg room 24" x 2 bulbs

along with indoor/outdoor weather channel with min and max humidity
looking good there opus.. :bravo:
hard to believe you are getting the building materials from a dump... VERY NICE WORK.. and recycling too :) +reps

glad to see you got the picture thing worked out as well... keep up the good work, can't wait to see it in action
i did buy the indoor/outdoor $20 , fans $12, led $50, 2 bulb 24 in $15, seals $3, air pump $20, air stone $6, grow med $12, Nutrients $50 ,diy ph up and down $3 and mis $8
200 dollars in to it and abut 10 hrs of work need 2 more fans thinking 6 dollar and a 10 dollar fan from wallmart and put a vent in top veg room about 2 more hrs of work going to t he dump find 4" pvc and dryer tub (may buy got in to trouble last time at the dump for taking to much stuff blah)just do a extake put 2 in hole with light trap for intake call it good for top should still be low on temps will post pics tomorrow next day when done
Not bad for a noob. Been reading since I joined but your serious and you can get stuff for free more power to you my friend. Did you run that wiring for them sockets in the grow area?
no there power cords ,yard sale 2 bucks, cut the female end off wire that to the plugs scene the cab rolls around.
really, great work, love the ingenuity, and low cost setup... the recycling is great.

would give you more reps,, but I cannot..

have a happy 4th of july !!
as told the box is all done ;)
intake like trap for veg box
same intake side
light trap ex-take
box with light in and wire for the 2 fans i used computer fans for this room will be runing 24/7


there u guys goo i hope u liked it now all that is left to do is make some odor control filters :)
:bravo: very nice work indeed,, looks great :)

in the second to last pic, it looks liek the hole for your fan covers 1/2 of it.. might want to check to make sure you got good air flow
it dose but i tested it and air moves in ok dont need alot air in veg room. temp with no holes was only 80, so i did that to make sure i keep the temp a littel high but i if need i can open it up more i be runing test tonight to see what temps stay in there with some vents
top room littel small so thinking of doing top drip or eb&flow for the mother plaint
or soil dunno yet we will see when that time comes
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