New Jersey Marijuana Patients Offer Human Side To Weed Debate

Katelyn Baker

Well-Known Member
There's a reason that medical marijuana is now legal in 28 states. A widely accepted treatment for a gamut of diseases from cancer to PTSD, the drug is instrumental in the daily struggles of thousands of patients across the nation, including New Jersey.

And many of them aren't shy about presenting a human side to the great marijuana debate.

Recently, dozens of Garden State residents and pot smokers shared personal testimony about the benefits of cannabis with the New Jersey Department of Health in an attempt to increase the number of qualifying conditions for medical marijuana in the state.

Their stories are urgent reminders of the grim battles that play out for many New Jersey patients. According to cannabis advocacy nonprofit The Coalition for Medical Marijuana NJ, more than 600 registered medical marijuana patients in the Garden State passed away in 2015.

The full list of the patient petitions can be seen here.


"It's hard for me to write because my hands can barely hold a pencil. The medications given to me cause long-term effects. Some have included blood clots, anxiety, mental instability, potential blindness, hair loss, skin conditions and extremely low immunity.

"I'm 21 and have to be treated like I live in a nursing home. My boyfriend has to dress me on my really painful days. I sometimes can't drive because I can't turn the wheel. I constantly get nauseous and get bad migraines to the point where I cannot stand. I cannot live alone; it would never be an option.

"I have been on seven or eight different medications since I was diagnosed in July of 2015. Nothing has helped me. Marijuana is the only medicine that helps my inflammation and headaches. How would you feel if you were in so much pain and no one took you seriously?"

'$100 PER PILL'

"15 years ago I got my first migraine. I am 46-years-old. Prior to that, I had a very productive life and a great job as a manager of a large IT department at a Fortune 500 company. At 32, I had a problem with uterine fibroid tumors and became very anemic for a few months. During that time, the migraines began and within a few weeks, they were non-stop, every day, every night. I had to quit my job because of my condition and haven't been able to work since.

"Marijuana is something that I may be able to use instead of taking an opiate. The marinol pill, which is straight THC, gave me so much relief that I was able to stave off dangerous opiates while I used THC. It is an essential tool. I've been prescribed marinol once, but the cost is too high for me to take it regularly. It's about $100 per pill and I need two of them to stop the migraines and nausea. I don't have that kind of money.

"I have had two separate, very-well respected neurologists tell me 'marijuana can be very helpful.' However, they are both in New York state, where medical marijuana is legal for neurological pain."


"I'm a 69-year-old male who has had the opportunity to live an active life. I graduated with a degree in business and a master's in social work administration. I retired some years ago from state service where I held a position in middle management. I am a family man with two daughters, both who I am proud to say have PhD's. My wife is a retired teacher; we have been married 37 years.

"I have been active in sports all my life. In high school, I was an all-state pitcher and had numerous professional teams and colleges expressing interest. I attended [college] under a baseball scholarship and spent a summer in the basin league for professional prospects. Unfortunately, an injury to my arm ended my professional aspirations.

"Then osteoarthritis struck... I'm becoming less active. No more tennis, golf, basketball, kayaking or biking. I've become more irritable. My life [has begun] to unravel and all of this is replaced by pain and surgeries... I'm a mess inside. I have constant pain, 24/7. I take non-steroidal and muscle relaxants daily which result in stomach ulcers, chronic diarrhea and liver/kidney issues. I'm scared to death of having to take the opiates that have been prescribed.

"I've had to turn to getting marijuana illegally so I can get relief from the pain of OA and medication side effects. So far, marijuana has helped me greatly. It is as effective as the anti-inflammatory drugs, and the only side effects are increased appetite and a positive outlook."


"I am a board-certified nurse practitioner with a family practice in West Amwell, New Jersey, and have been in practice for more than 30 years. I am writing in support of my patient and her appropriate medical need for cannabis, due to her long-term history of debilitating migraine headaches.

"She has been in my practice since 2008 and we have worked to resolve her migraine headaches including referrals to some of the top headache specialist on the east coast, without success. She has also tried chiropractics, acupuncture, massage, herbs and homeopathy under medical supervision without success.

"She is struggling to raise a family and live a somewhat normal life while she lives in a fog of nearly daily headaches, with migraines at least daily for half of the month and chronic fatigue and memory loss.

"We have talked about the use of medical cannabis, and she and her husband have reviewed the literature, and she feels she absolutely should try this valid option."


"I have suffered from fibromyalgia for over 15 years. I have been in pain management for 15 years... I had surgeries without a fibro diagnosis yet in which the pain was so ill-managed that I literally felt like I was going to die.

"There are a handful of medications being offered that treat fibromyalgia. The first one I was on helped a little with the depression, but eventually it stopped working. Lyrica? OMG! I gained about 20 pounds on that and the side effects were horrible. Now I am currently on Savella and it has helped me to a degree, but I have horrible nausea and headaches from it... I have been on a large amount of opiates for 15 years now... I have slowly lowered them myself but am concerned about damage these medications may have done.

"I can't continue to live this way without medical marijuana to make the quality of my health better... I have used CBD oil, which is legal and that gives me a little relief and I have not encountered any side effects... It's so amazing what cannabis can do for the fibromyalgia sufferer. We, like anyone else, deserve a decent quality of life. If you have the power to help me please find it in your heart to do so."


"I am a New Jersey-based physician writing in support of the addition of chronic pain and PTSD as qualifying conditions. I am board-certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation. I did my residency in New Jersey at the nationally acclaimed Kessler Institute. My career, spanning 26 years, includes a 22-year stint as the chairman of the department of physical medicine and rehabilitation at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center (RWJ-Barnabas Health).

"Throughout my career, I have been treating acute and chronic pain of traumatic or non-traumatic etiologies. As people that treat chronic pain know, one often tries everything available and is left wanting for more tools in an attempt to provide the best care a physician is capable of giving. I have known for a long time that cannabis has a valid role to play in the management of chronic pain.

"When New Jersey developed its medical marijuana program, I was initially happy until I realized that the 30 to 50 % of my patients who could benefit were not going to be eligible because chronic pain was an excluded diagnosis.

"There is a history of traditional herbal medicine dating back over 2,000 years in China and India documenting cannabis as a treatment for chronic pain, among other uses. The validity and truth of these systems is evident to people with open eyes and open minds."


"I have had three back surgeries for lumbar disc ruptures. The last one in 2001 left me with severe nerve damage and scar tissue in my spine. I have tried all available methods to alleviate the chronic pain to live a somewhat normal life.

"Over the years, use of Tylenol damaged my liver. I now suffer from cirrhosis, even though I have never been a drinker. As soon as I was diagnosed with liver disease, I was taken off all pain medication and given methadone to manage my pain, as it is not metabolized in the liver. All other pain relievers are off-limits to me. [The methadone] works for me up to a point, but I am still constantly in pain...

"Chronic pain is a terrible thing. Sometimes I wake during the night because I hear moaning, only to find out that the moaning is coming from me. I have lived this way for many years, and it takes a toll.

"A couple of years ago, kind friends gave me some marijuana to try. I found it extremely helpful in reducing the amount of pain I suffer. It also relaxed me, making it easier for me to fall asleep and stay asleep... I hope marijuana use would also help me avoid increasing the amount of methadone I must take. My pain management specialist thought it might be helpful to me and sent me to a neurologist who is part of the medical marijuana program. He agreed that it would be helpful to me, but that chronic pain was not considered an acceptable use. Therefore, at the age of 69, if I want to use this product I am forced to deal with a criminal black market and subject myself to the possibility of prosecution to secure a substance which is legal in many other states."


"I have suffered from [late stage Lyme's Disease] for over 25 years with constant pain. I have severe back, hip and neck pain... I also suffer from chronic neurological pain throughout my body secondary to stage 3 Lyme's Disease. I wake up every day, barely able to move.

"I've utilized all different pain medications in the past. But in order to feel any relief I had to take so much it caused other issues... The only thing that seems to help is marijuana... I've tried it while visiting places such as California, Oregon and Colorado. It takes almost all the pain away for a period of a few hours. I was able to sleep and wake up pain-free."


"Sciatica causes daily, everyday, chronic pain that radiates all the way from my lower back down to my big toe... Any simple activities such as walking, running and sitting are met with recurring pain from the nerve damage that is a result of sciatica. I especially have difficulty while at work, as my profession requires me to sit for long periods of time, which causes pain from the muscles and tendons being inactive... Sometimes the pain is too severe to even do anything or be involved with my family when I get home from work.

"I have often read that surgery is a feasible option... Unfortunately, the reality is that my wife and I simply do not make enough money... Opiod painkillers such as hydrocodone have proven to be troublesome as they bring an all-too-brief respite from the pain and lead to dependency issues and extreme lethargy throughout my daily routine.

"I prefer to use products containing the cannabinoids THC, CBD and CBN as non-addictive pain remedies that allow me to still be active and participate in my life."


"I have been suffering from back pain since the Army (2004). Due to back pain and sciatica pain, I am unable to sit or stand for a long period of time. I am also unable to walk for a long period of time. I find myself in bed most of the day...

"I have been taking oxycodone for the past three years. Taking the pill takes the pain away a little, however there are way too many side effects. I feel dizzy, sleepy, and it is not healthy taking these pills for so long... I have gone to chiropractors and treatment has been unsuccessful.

"My primary care doctor works for the [U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs] and therefore cannot prescribe nor refer me [medical marijuana] due to VA regulations."


News Moderator: Katelyn Baker 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: New Jersey Marijuana Patients Offer Human Side To Weed Debate
Author: Eric Kiefer
Contact: Montclair Patch
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: Montclair Patch
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