new site header

a good deal would have been one programmer, one day, one email, $75.00

just goes to show what i go through dealing with FREE help...;)
in the long run, ya get what ya pay for.
I noticed that earlier. Cant really remember what the old one looked like, Looks really good IMO.
hey somethings better then nothing!! i have two more toners for you!! how bout that!! i can't donate anymore after this for a while. we can talk about buying it at my cost, which might help. sending it out tomorrow, i forgot today
anyone having any problems with it in any particular browser or resolution?

i tested it on ie at 800x600, 1024x768 and am currently viewing in 1280x1024.

still need confirmation that it is okay on firefox, mac and anything else i don't have to test with.

thanks everyone!
It looks good on a mac running IE5.1
Header works fine (although tiled quite a bit) on firefox/ubuntu/2560 x 1600.

By the way, if you need help from someone who does programming for a living just PM me. I'm free. And, unlike others apparently, reliable. ;)

Edit: Merickson, MS officially stopped production and support for Mac IE. You may want to try firefox or safari, which are more standards compliant. Totally up to you though.
Apple Cinema Display, 30 Inch.
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