New to growing


New Member

I figured I would take a moment to say hi and introduce myself.

I am 39 and live on the EastCoast. I have a friend who has been growing in soil for years. He showed me his set up and i decided to get into it.

after a lil research on this and other sites, i decided the best solution for me was a 24 plant ebb and gro system. I really wanted to do aero but i have a lower ceiling in the basement area i am using. The ebb and gro allows me to keep the plants as low as possible and lets me grow them as big as my space allows.

Ironically enough, I am only growing 1 plant in the ebb and gro - I am using the ebb and gro for real garden plants at the moment. I decided to do this after learning about thermal imaging and stuff...Igot a lil nerveous so decided to slow down a lil and get my feet wet first. after doing more research into the laws, i learned that where i live 10 is the magic number between a lil bit of trouble and a lot of bit of trouble - so i will be keeping my number of plants to 9 or less at all times.

So after rethinking my plan what i actually ended up doing was getting a self contained bucket system for one plant and put 4 in soil for a total of 5 plants. I got the clones from my buddy i mentioned earlier- he has been growing the same strain for over 30 years- he calls it strawberryfields. Its some kind of Afgani plant. anyway...

After about 5 or 6 weeks they were about 18" to 24'' tall i decided to put them on a 12/12 cycle. Before doing that I took 3 cuttings - 2 off one in soil and 1 off the plant in the self contained bucket/drip system. they have been on 12/12 for about 2 weeks now. what i plan on doing is starting 2 new plants every 3 weeks. if i Veg for 6 weeks and flower for 6 to 8 weeks I should be able to harvest 3 weeks and have only 9 plants. 1 mother and 8 clones. or am I mistaken?

Right before I put them on 12/12 I transplanted one of the soil plants into the ebb and gro system. that seems to have stunted its growth a lil, but it seems to be bouncing back.

I am also experimenting with 2 different Nutes. in the self contained system I using GH and in the soil and ebb and gro system i am using botanicare stuff.

The self contained system with the GH is huge with atleast twice as many bud sites as the others.

Anyway... i have had my share of problems - its definately a learning process.

I started to nut burn the one hydro plant.

I got some garden plants from homedepot and introduced bugs :/. I am currently dealing with that...I am using Tomatoe & Vegatable 3n1 insecticide fungicide and miticide by Bonide. its active ingredient is Clarified Hydrophobic extract of neem oil .9%.prior to using that I tried a tobasco, garlic mixture that seemed to have some effect but just didnt kill everything.

I think I mistakenly thought I had powdery mildew and made a baking soda mixture and used it on one plant... that definately wasnt good for the plant... it stunted its growth and it turns out... I think...that what I thought was powdery mildew was probably white spots from white flies.

Anyway.. thats what I have going on. I will be posting some pics in the near future. Any feedback, comments or advice is much appreciated.



Additionally, I should have added. I also monitoring the enviroment temp and humidity. I am using a dehumidifier to maintain 50% humidity.

I have 2 1k lights with dual mh/hps ballasts. I only use one light at the moment but will eventually set up the 2nd light.

I used MH during veg and just switched to HPS for flowering. I am using my central air to keep the temp down.... but once in a while it will spike to a high of 80 degrees. but usualy i can keep it around 76.

I also bought a 200g/day reverse osmosis water filter and and electronic PH tester. my PH of the water is around 6.5 but after adding nutes it drops to like 4.5 I add some baking soda diluted in water to raise the PH back up to 6

and I am using a carbon filter for smell.

I also was thinking of piping my exhaust from the carbon filter thru the lights into the central air/heating in the winter to help heat the house instead of piping it out thru the roof where the furnace exhaust goes.

In the future since I have a water heater nearby with a gas connection I was thinking of adding a co2 burner, but I have research to do on that.
Welcome to 420 Storm...looks like you have a great head start ... anything you need answered can be found here with our resident grow experts.
+reps...cuz this is my 420th post!
:welcome: get a journal started and ur garden will be monitored by several master growers from all over the world. goodluck to u and ur garden ... :peace:
Thank you, you must have read my mind.

I was thinking I should start a journal and record what I am doing and be a bit more methodical now that my feet are wet.

My ultimate goal is quality and yield.

I hope to one day be a master grower myself.

I lent my digital camera to a friend that is on vaction. She should be home sometime tomorrow. I get it back asap and start taking pictures for my grow journal.
Thanks for the reps Sir...although I have had a few nights where I was the fish.
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