New UK grower

The only reason I asked is to explain this.

That natural drift I get between 5.9-6.2 is perfect. The plants pick up different minerals at diferent ph. Calcium maybe available at 5.9 but nitrogen might not be available until 6.0 , so a drift between 5.9 -6.2 is beneficial for the plants to get all the nutrients they need. Sticking to one ph setting may lock out other nutients.
(There's a chart somewhere)
So what would u think I should do
Welcome, my first grow (Uk) also
, just tried the one to start
Alright BigGL,
Looking nice.
I’d say if I ph it @ 5.8 in a few days it wool go to 6 but no higher
Cool, that's perfect. That will help your plants.
When it gets to 6.0 then reduce it back to 5.8 and you will have a perfect nutrient drift that feeds the plant. Just keep repeating that if you can.
Start 5.8 get to 6 then reduce back 5.8.

Now let's talk nutrient strength.
What EC does your water start at, coming out the tap? Mine comes out at 0.5 , it's got a bit of chalk and crap in it, I'd guess yours has too.
Not to sure tbh once I fill tank up do ph then I add the nutes till it’s 1.0 so may be that’s where I’m going wrong not sure that’s how my mate told me to do it
Yeah, if he is using similar water to you then it could be like for like, that would work. But if your water comes out the tap a bit stronger than his,it's gonna make a diference.

Here's an easy way to feed your plants, I just hope I explain it well.

Right, you've just filled your tank fresh nutrient...say 1.0 ec.
Now if after a few days you read the ec of your tank and the ec has lowered to say..0.8... that means the plants have fed that missing ec, that's perfect or just under the right stregth.

Now, if it goes the other way, you start at 1.0 ec and after a few days it has risen to 1.2ec , then the nutrient was to strong and the plant is drinking water and the nutrient is concentrating. Reduce nutrient.
So the plant tells you if it's getting to much or too little.
Hope that makes sense.
My ec stays at 1 I’ve just drained done not going to give any nutes for few days just ph then build up slowly
If it stays at 1 and the water level is going down, then that's the perfect strength for the plants.
Don't do hydro with just water, it needs nutrient constantly.
If you do just water the plants will eat themselves. They'll take all the green out of the leaves for food.
What I’ve done is drained big tank left water it pots when the system pumps it all round the ec should be about 0.5 I’ll see how that goes then add little by little if there getting better if u no what I mean
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