NH: Marijuana Moratorium To Go Up For Vote In York

Katelyn Baker

Well-Known Member
York - Selectmen want to place a temporary marijuana moratorium on the ballot next May, as a way to give the town time to carefully craft any zoning and business licensing ordinance changes that may be required following statewide passage of a legalization measure last week.

Several selectmen also supported the idea of placing nonbinding questions on the May ballot asking voter opinion about the policies they would like the town to pursue — from an outright ban of all retail and manufacturing operations to changes that might allow limited operations in specific parts of town, for instance.

Maine voters last week approved the legalization question by 4,402 votes — less than 1 percent. There is currently an effort to recount the votes. Secretary of State Matt Dunlap said a recount could take about a month.

The final vote, presuming the yes vote prevails, has to be approved by the governor and takes effect 30 days after. At that point, individuals would be able to carry up to 2.5 ounces and grow up to six flowering plants. But the law built in nine months for the state to come up with rulemaking for retail and manufacturing operations.

The selectmen's directive to pursue a moratorium came after an impassioned plea from resident James Bartlett.

"There needs to be time to allow municipalities to consider what to do," Bartlett said. My expectation is that regulations adopted by the state will require regulations for municipalities. One purpose of a moratorium is to let the state develop these regulations so the town is consistent with them.

"The really important reason to do this is to take this slow. York is "probably the most easily accessible community along the coast of Maine" and attractive to retailers. "I can almost predict people are out there looking for land to buy right now. Because they know if we make it easy, York will be the hub of the pot business in southern Maine."

Selectmen agreed a moratorium was an appropriate response.

"The prudent thing is to put in a moratorium retroactive to November, to take the time to see what the law is about," said Mike Estes.

"I would agree. I was concerned the vote was so close" in York, where the measure failed by a vote of 4,613 opposed and 4,272 in favor. "So we need to take the time to do it right."

Chairman Robert Palmer suggested several nonbinding questions be placed on the ballot — "so maybe we could not allow (marijuana) cafes but could allow retail establishments, for instance."

"I think there are people in this state who think it's ridiculous to criminalize 2.5 ounces of marijuana. They're saying if it's legalized, and you start collecting tax, at least you're getting something back," said Jonathan Speers. "That's a whole lot different than saying, 'Oh, I want these in my town.' The town gets no revenue whatsoever. And we'll probably have to hire more police or code officers. We get the expenses and Augusta gets the revenues."

The board directed Town Planner Dylan Smith to work with town attorney Mary Costigan to come up with language for a moratorium.


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Full Article: Marijuana Moratorium To Go Up For Vote In York
Author: Deborah McDermott
Contact: (800) 439-0303
Photo Credit: Elaine Thompson
Website: Seacoastonline.com
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