Not new but new to some of you


New Member
Hi I'm the real Valhalla88 lol I have been a member here but I ran into some personal probs....I am re-introducing myself to all the members I missed while I was gone and man has
things blown up!...looks good around here same friendly tone...I have one thing definitely to work on patience and So anyone interested pm me friend request check out my videos and pics in my journal(give me a minute to re-boot my brain)
Again HIGH Everyone!:):yahoo:
Hi Valhalla, As you know this is a great place, just gotten better since you been gone!!
Thats good to know thats the direction to move in! Thanks for leaving the light on for me...I was locked out w/out my keys

Hi Valhalla88
:welcome: back. Hopefully you got all your personal stuff worked out,,,
:peace: and see ya around the forums.

yeah death does that huh...thanks for welcoming me back:peacetwo::thumb:
Val, Too much of that going around in the recent year! Sympathize with you, lost a lot of my own. Sometimes it takes awhile to come around to a place you can be again. Still have some trouble there myself. But I will continue to be strong and as well as you!
Val, Too much of that going around in the recent year! Sympathize with you, lost a lot of my own. Sometimes it takes awhile to come around to a place you can be again. Still have some trouble there myself. But I will continue to be strong and as well as you!

Hey thanks for your support bro! I had alot of good vibes allover the planet pulling me through! From people I had no idea who they are! lol ! BE Strong .
Be Cool!
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