Nute Burn 6 Weeks into Flower


Active Member
Hey everyone! 1st time grower, flipped to 12/12 eight weeks ago this upcoming Monday and they began flowering quick, so I'd call it 6 weeks into flower, maybe a little more. Not sure the strain, bag seed, but indica or some type of indica dominant. 3 gallon air pots, FFHF and GO Box for nutes.

I've been giving nutes at half the recommended dose since the plants were little, but a couple weeks ago I was unhappy with bud production so I decided to up it to full strength even though I was cutting out Bio Marine that week and Bio Bud this week per instructions. About a week ago I also began giving 1 tbsp Blackstrap Molasses with every feeding and watering. I water my plants every other day, adding nutes every other watering and now molasses every time.

So my last feeding was 2 days ago and everything looked perfect. Then today as I'm giving water I notice I gave the plants nute burn. I can post pics but it's pretty obvious - fan leaf tips are turning yellow. As for the canopy, aside from the tips everything looks very lush and green, maybe a little droopy but not bad. Just below the canopy some of the leaves are turning yellow from the inside out and toward the bottom a few but not many turned brown around the edges and curled. Not sure if all of this is "burn" but I must assume related nutrient problems.

Overall, I'm not too worried. The plants have been very hardy for me since the beginning. My plan was to give one last round of nutes on Sunday and then switch to water and molasses only. I assume it will only be another 2 or 3 weeks before harvest. I wasn't planning on flushing the soil per say, just upping the water intake to get a little more runoff each watering. Rather than give the last round of nutes on Sunday, I figured I'll just start the water and molasses only regimen today so as to not cause further damage.

As said, my first grow so I just want to know if I'm going about this the right way or should I be more concerned? Could the burn still get worse over time even if I stopped giving nutes? Any other suggestions to deal with the problem? Thanks everyone! Looking forward to your responses!

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