Nutrient feeding question: Newbie questions


420 Member
Hi 420 Fam :yummy:,
My current set up:
  • 80 x 80 x 200 Eclipse ELITE Grow Tent
  • 400w/600w HPS High Efficient Bulb
  • 400w/600w Metal Halide Veg Bulb
  • 600w Dimmable Digital Ballast
  • Lightweight Highly Reflective Shade
  • 100mm Centrifugal Fan
  • 100mm x 500mm Carbon Filter
  • 100mm x 5m Ducting with Clamps
  • Thermometer / Hydrometer
  • Adjustable Hangers
  • Timer
3 x green ladies
Soil: black magic seed raising mix.
Plants stage: Veg as of 01/11/2020
Temp: stays at 26-27C when lights are on.
Strain: Unknown
fertilizers: Growzilla A&B, Flairform Green dream, Thrive fish and bone

I am looking to start feeding my green ladies. Unfortunately I am unable to obtain the nutrients and feeding schedules on this site as the country i live in does not stock these brands. I am going to test 3 different ferts to see which one works well for me. I have order growzilla a & b solution. Has anyone experimented with growzilla? I have tried to find a feeding schedule for growzilla online but no luck. The other fertilizer i am going to use is going to be fish blood and bone with NPK 12-2.3-7.2 The third fert i am going to be using is flairform green dream grow 1 I have found a feeding schedule online for this. If there is no feeding schedule for fertilizers, is there one to follow? And the way to apply fertilizer? Is it the same as the watering pot plant thread but with nutes?
Pics below of fert and soil I am currently using, further plant on the left has had 2 feeds of the fish blood and bone other 2 are yet to have a feed (awaiting for fertilizer to be delivered) do the other 2 plants look like they need more water? I had made solution up for the blood and bone 1/2 the recommend dose and going to do feed, feed, water. Plants 1st proper week of nutes.
Thank you 420 fam

Hold yer taters for just a minute, that soil bag says it contains 9 months of controlled release food, then you have 3 other separate NPK fert products and no mention of cal-mag. Any chance you can get different soil? Not coco - don’t confuse the 2 soil & coco are totally different. I would use different soil at next upcan, maybe get smart pots with fabric for better air intake

im gonna lookup growzilla for second, I did and they don’t list ingredients but I’m curious as to why you think you need 3 seperate fertilizer products. I’m insinuating that no one is going to have a feed chart for a mixed bag of products and I’m afraid you will burn them if you continue as planned, less is more and you have way overcompensated. I would be looking to see if any of those contain the cal-mag which typically they don’t - so I’d find a cal-mag supplement with low N.

for growth phase this crop needs high N lower PK to start with but then in flower needs little to no N and higher PK but it needs calcium and magnesium throughout.

the good news is your plants look really nice :cool:

sorry feel as if I’m kinda striking out here... see what else comes in!
I'm not sure about cal mag? I can get different soil, I havnt repotted yet and was gonna repot in tui potting mix. What do you mean by coco and soil?
Thank you @013 I didnt see full reply my plan was to use 3 different ferts to see which one worked better and not getting the same taste out of 3 x plants. I will definitely look for cali mag in these fertilizers and thank you for your reply! Is there a recommend cal mag to use? Sorry I'm a bit 21 questions at the moment still trying to learn and understand thank you for the help!! :)
Hold yer taters for just a minute, that soil bag says it contains 9 months of controlled release food, then you have 3 other separate NPK fert products and no mention of cal-mag. Any chance you can get different soil? Not coco - don’t confuse the 2 soil & coco are totally different. I would use different soil at next upcan, maybe get smart pots with fabric for better air intake

im gonna lookup growzilla for second, I did and they don’t list ingredients but I’m curious as to why you think you need 3 seperate fertilizer products. I’m insinuating that no one is going to have a feed chart for a mixed bag of products and I’m afraid you will burn them if you continue as planned, less is more and you have way overcompensated. I would be looking to see if any of those contain the cal-mag which typically they don’t - so I’d find a cal-mag supplement with low N.

for growth phase this crop needs high N lower PK to start with but then in flower needs little to no N and higher PK but it needs calcium and magnesium throughout.

the good news is your plants look really nice :cool:

sorry feel as if I’m kinda striking out here... see what else comes in!
Hey Jfour - ok cool for comparison purposes, my bad! Thanks, now I see what’s up....

in growing lingo there is soil and soilless, soilless can be pure peat or pure coco but both are inert there is nothing in pure peat or pure coco to nourish the plant and so they must be bottle fed nutrients, but when you mix peat and other ingredients you can get a true soil mix. A step above soil would be a supersoil or living organic soil which can be water only if built properly. But even most soil growers need nutrients as the demands of this plant are significant when compared to other garden plants. Most people have heard of NPK but many don’t know the calcium & magnesium is a another demand from these plants

Coco coir is sold in a lot of grow shops it’s husks are from ground up coconut shells and looks very much like soil. It’s often called canna or coco canna comes in bags or bricks etc but it’s totally different than soil and must be fed differently.

ok the taste of your bud is largely based on the strain & phenotype not nutes so much, but also on the methods of cure and dry. Look for a cal-mag with very low or zero Nitrogen.

most here don’t flush cause I mean you can’t wash nutrients out of your buds by flooding the rootball. You can fix some soil problems by flushing but you can’t undo what the plant has taken up, but bud washing is pretty big, thats a game changer in taste department because it removes dust from the buds and enables the cure & dry to happen more evenly. See this pic in 3rd post >>> Water after washing one plant

junk we've been smoking in past decades, bugs, bug poop, chemical sprays - now you can‘t unsee that..
Hey Jfour - ok cool for comparison purposes, my bad! Thanks, now I see what’s up....

in growing lingo there is soil and soilless, soilless can be pure peat or pure coco but both are inert there is nothing in pure peat or pure coco to nourish the plant and so they must be bottle fed nutrients, but when you mix peat and other ingredients you can get a true soil mix. A step above soil would be a supersoil or living organic soil which can be water only if built properly. But even most soil growers need nutrients as the demands of this plant are significant when compared to other garden plants. Most people have heard of NPK but many don’t know the calcium & magnesium is a another demand from these plants

Coco coir is sold in a lot of grow shops it’s husks are from ground up coconut shells and looks very much like soil. It’s often called canna or coco canna comes in bags or bricks etc but it’s totally different than soil and must be fed differently.

ok the taste of your bud is largely based on the strain & phenotype not nutes so much, but also on the methods of cure and dry. Look for a cal-mag with very low or zero Nitrogen.

most here don’t flush cause I mean you can’t wash nutrients out of your buds by flooding the rootball. You can fix some soil problems by flushing but you can’t undo what the plant has taken up, but bud washing is pretty big, thats a game changer in taste department because it removes dust from the buds and enables the cure & dry to happen more evenly. See this pic in 3rd post >>> Water after washing one plant

junk we've been smoking in past decades, bugs, bug poop, chemical sprays - now you can‘t unsee that..
@013 Making a lot more sense thank you, hey and thank you for correcting me It makes sense that taste would come from the bud.. and not the nutes! (Now I know for next time) so if I find organic soil, I can then apply my ferts? And with the cali mag with low N is that a fert sold? Or is that the mix I should be looking for within the soil?
Ah no sweat glad to jump in. Many weed ferts are part a & b but thats just npk, but not cal mag. Some soils are built specifically for this crop and have calcium added but most folks must supplement with it. Yes it’s just an add on bottle of liquid nutes they may not have zero N but if they offer options go with lower N as long as it’s not 75 a bottle

there are some new ones like mega crop 1 part mixed by gram per gallon or geo flora dry amendment mix top dress once every 2 weeks and water in. theses don’t require seperate cal-mag but every weed grower probably needs calmag on the shelf anyway just in case
Hey Jfour - ok cool for comparison purposes, my bad! Thanks, now I see what’s up....

in growing lingo there is soil and soilless, soilless can be pure peat or pure coco but both are inert there is nothing in pure peat or pure coco to nourish the plant and so they must be bottle fed nutrients, but when you mix peat and other ingredients you can get a true soil mix. A step above soil would be a supersoil or living organic soil which can be water only if built properly. But even most soil growers need nutrients as the demands of this plant are significant when compared to other garden plants. Most people have heard of NPK but many don’t know the calcium & magnesium is a another demand from these plants

Coco coir is sold in a lot of grow shops it’s husks are from ground up coconut shells and looks very much like soil. It’s often called canna or coco canna comes in bags or bricks etc but it’s totally different than soil and must be fed differently.

ok the taste of your bud is largely based on the strain & phenotype not nutes so much, but also on the methods of cure and dry. Look for a cal-mag with very low or zero Nitrogen.

most here don’t flush cause I mean you can’t wash nutrients out of your buds by flooding the rootball. You can fix some soil problems by flushing but you can’t undo what the plant has taken up, but bud washing is pretty big, thats a game changer in taste department because it removes dust from the buds and enables the cure & dry to happen more evenly. See this pic in 3rd post >>> Water after washing one plant

junk we've been smoking in past decades, bugs, bug poop, chemical sprays - now you can‘t unsee that..
Hold yer taters for just a minute, that soil bag says it contains 9 months of controlled release food, then you have 3 other separate NPK fert products and no mention of cal-mag. Any chance you can get different soil? Not coco - don’t confuse the 2 soil & coco are totally different. I would use different soil at next upcan, maybe get smart pots with fabric for better air intake

im gonna lookup growzilla for second, I did and they don’t list ingredients but I’m curious as to why you think you need 3 seperate fertilizer products. I’m insinuating that no one is going to have a feed chart for a mixed bag of products and I’m afraid you will burn them if you continue as planned, less is more and you have way overcompensated. I would be looking to see if any of those contain the cal-mag which typically they don’t - so I’d find a cal-mag supplement with low N.

for growth phase this crop needs high N lower PK to start with but then in flower needs little to no N and higher PK but it needs calcium and magnesium throughout.

the good news is your plants look really nice :cool:

sorry feel as if I’m kinda striking out here... see what else comes in!
@013 Attached is growzilla photo and the back, order has just come through today, cant wait for there first feed and I have a flairform roots root enhancer also.


Thanks for that! Just remember it’s always better to go in low, you can always add more next time but it’s not easy to undo an overdose. Also use syringes for accurate dose at mixing time, another tip don’t be lazy & waste your nutes, do the math & break it down to smaller batches

10 mil per 128 ounce gallon
5 mil per 64 ounces half gallon
2.5 mil per 32 ounces quart

apologies dont know metric well enough to convert but you get the idea. It’s all the same strength just smaller batches. No sense mixing a gallon when you only need a quart.

the problem I think is 28-5-30 is gonna be too hot for flower, might wanna dig on their site for instructions or feed chart - if they make nutes you should be able to find feeding guide
I just picked up some syringes and cali mag, yes definitely agree with the nutes I have found that I had made a solution up of that thrive blood and bone and had given 1 plant 2 feeds of the nute (before posting this thread). I think it may have nutrient burn as leave tips are going yellow (not all of them though).

I am currently starting the watering the top soil 2-3inch deep then every 3 days water the whole pot to both top and bottom soil are in sync. Will this be the same as feeding too/ applying the fertilser?
You are watering too frequently.... Ok while plants are in veg you get better growth by not watering regularly, plants this size should be able to go 5 days or longer without water. So when top of soil is dry the bottom is still very wet. Take your pots and tilt them to steep angle and prop them up, leave them propped for 20 minutes - the pots should pee some water out. Every pot filled with soil and a plant holds water in suspension, it’s called the perched water table. By tilting and propping we lowered the perched water table to a more normal value. After she pees no more water for 5 days minimum.

If you water on schedule you for make lazy roots. Fill a same size container with dry soil use that as comparison weight. It’s called lift the pot method, a dry pot is as light as a feather. When soil is totally dry she sends out tiny root hairs to search for water. This propels growth to let them get dry, to the point the leaves have slight wilt, then wait 1/2 day or a full day and then water. Then no more water for another 6 days. It’s called working the wet dry cycle. This is for soil tho not coco.

feed means nutes plus water, another term is fertigate it means to fertilize & irrigate. So feeding is different from a plain water session. But yes in veg most growers feed nutes to their plants pretty often but then at times like in flower cycle we do: feed, water, feed, water, or feed, feed, water. But know that a plain water session still reactivates any unsed nutes left in the soil.

So you work wet dry cycle hard in veg, then in flower keep the soil moist. The other part is getting them rootbound in the container, slip the pot off to check rootball - only when the outside edge is covered up in roots then only upcan to bigger bucket and veg for 3 more weeks then flip to flower.
Weed plants build roots freely in veg cycle but in flower cycle root growth stops and she uses the existing roots to sustain thru flower. This whole thing of wet dry cycle and upcan to larger bucket but only when totally rootbound is all about building a monster rootball, bigger roots = bigger fruits.

what size containers are those?
You are watering too frequently.... Ok while plants are in veg you get better growth by not watering regularly, plants this size should be able to go 5 days or longer without water. So when top of soil is dry the bottom is still very wet. Take your pots and tilt them to steep angle and prop them up, leave them propped for 20 minutes - the pots should pee some water out. Every pot filled with soil and a plant holds water in suspension, it’s called the perched water table. By tilting and propping we lowered the perched water table to a more normal value. After she pees no more water for 5 days minimum.

If you water on schedule you for make lazy roots. Fill a same size container with dry soil use that as comparison weight. It’s called lift the pot method, a dry pot is as light as a feather. When soil is totally dry she sends out tiny root hairs to search for water. This propels growth to let them get dry, to the point the leaves have slight wilt, then wait 1/2 day or a full day and then water. Then no more water for another 6 days. It’s called working the wet dry cycle. This is for soil tho not coco.

feed means nutes plus water, another term is fertigate it means to fertilize & irrigate. So feeding is different from a plain water session. But yes in veg most growers feed nutes to their plants pretty often but then at times like in flower cycle we do: feed, water, feed, water, or feed, feed, water. But know that a plain water session still reactivates any unsed nutes left in the soil.

So you work wet dry cycle hard in veg, then in flower keep the soil moist. The other part is getting them rootbound in the container, slip the pot off to check rootball - only when the outside edge is covered up in roots then only upcan to bigger bucket and veg for 3 more weeks then flip to flower.
Weed plants build roots freely in veg cycle but in flower cycle root growth stops and she uses the existing roots to sustain thru flower. This whole thing of wet dry cycle and upcan to larger bucket but only when totally rootbound is all about building a monster rootball, bigger roots = bigger fruits.

what size containers are

You are watering too frequently.... Ok while plants are in veg you get better growth by not watering regularly, plants this size should be able to go 5 days or longer without water. So when top of soil is dry the bottom is still very wet. Take your pots and tilt them to steep angle and prop them up, leave them propped for 20 minutes - the pots should pee some water out. Every pot filled with soil and a plant holds water in suspension, it’s called the perched water table. By tilting and propping we lowered the perched water table to a more normal value. After she pees no more water for 5 days minimum.

If you water on schedule you for make lazy roots. Fill a same size container with dry soil use that as comparison weight. It’s called lift the pot method, a dry pot is as light as a feather. When soil is totally dry she sends out tiny root hairs to search for water. This propels growth to let them get dry, to the point the leaves have slight wilt, then wait 1/2 day or a full day and then water. Then no more water for another 6 days. It’s called working the wet dry cycle. This is for soil tho not coco.

feed means nutes plus water, another term is fertigate it means to fertilize & irrigate. So feeding is different from a plain water session. But yes in veg most growers feed nutes to their plants pretty often but then at times like in flower cycle we do: feed, water, feed, water, or feed, feed, water. But know that a plain water session still reactivates any unsed nutes left in the soil.

So you work wet dry cycle hard in veg, then in flower keep the soil moist. The other part is getting them rootbound in the container, slip the pot off to check rootball - only when the outside edge is covered up in roots then only upcan to bigger bucket and veg for 3 more weeks then flip to flower.
Weed plants build roots freely in veg cycle but in flower cycle root growth stops and she uses the existing roots to sustain thru flower. This whole thing of wet dry cycle and upcan to larger bucket but only when totally rootbound is all about building a monster rootball, bigger roots = bigger fruits.

what size containers are those?
Pot size is 3.3L (18cm)

Thank you course bigger roots bigger fruits!! When you say wait till leaves slightly wilt then water, would that be a a water to get a run off? As in water most of the soil or just the top soil?

How often to use cali mag and root booster? Would I mix cali mag and root booster with notes everytime I feed? Or depending on PH levels wether I need/ or how much cmx to be used? I had gave plants a small feed the other day done half of a half of recommended dose, but I had watered to run off due to one of pots soil was dry all through. I used 500mls of filtered bore water with 0.5 of a ml green dream grow, .5ml cmx .5ml of root booster.
Most people do water to slight runoff, but there’s all kinds of watering tricks to be had. Sun is their food, nutes are vitamins but water plays a role too. Most start out thinking wrong and over water and / or water too often, both are bad for young or veg plants, but in flower the soil can be kept moist at all times

never used root booster so no input there other than flow directions and go easy to start with. You can always add more next time but it’s a bitch to try to undo too hot of a mix. Generally speaking calmag goes with every feed or every plain water session

3.3 liter pots is small for flowering in but I think that tent is like 30 inches so that's a limiting factor, 30 X 30 is perfect for one well trained plant in a large grow bag like 10 gallon, but you can get thru this grow and have a better idea
Most people do water to slight runoff, but there’s all kinds of watering tricks to be had. Sun is their food, nutes are vitamins but water plays a role too. Most start out thinking wrong and over water and / or water too often, both are bad for young or veg plants, but in flower the soil can be kept moist at all times

never used root booster so no input there other than flow directions and go easy to start with. You can always add more next time but it’s a bitch to try to undo too hot of a mix. Generally speaking calmag goes with every feed or every plain water session

3.3 liter pots is small for flowering in but I think that tent is like 30 inches so that's a limiting factor, 30 X 30 is perfect for one well trained plant in a large grow bag like 10 gallon, but you can get thru this grow and have a better ide

Most people do water to slight runoff, but there’s all kinds of watering tricks to be had. Sun is their food, nutes are vitamins but water plays a role too. Most start out thinking wrong and over water and / or water too often, both are bad for young or veg plants, but in flower the soil can be kept moist at all times

never used root booster so no input there other than flow directions and go easy to start with. You can always add more next time but it’s a bitch to try to undo too hot of a mix. Generally speaking calmag goes with every feed or every plain water session

3.3 liter pots is small for flowering in but I think that tent is like 30 inches so that's a limiting factor, 30 X 30 is perfect for one well trained plant in a large grow bag like 10 gallon, but you can get thru this grow and have a better idea
I was going to upsize the pot once green lady gets bigger. Do you think I should upsize soon or go by growth and rootball system.

Currently plants are starting to wilt so going to apply what you were saying previous replies with the wet and dry cycle, cant wait to see the growth, (a lot of re-reading is being done!) :)
Helps to get plant rootbound before upcan, plants build roots freely in veg but in flower new root development stops and she uses existing roots to power thru the long flower cycle. So build biggest rootball you can by using wet dry cycle, upcan and veg a few more weeks then flip to flower... but this also depends on how tall your tent is. The tent height issues can be managed with bending or super cropping.
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