Nutrient fortified water - Expiration date?

Iguana Man

Well-Known Member
I did a search but came up empty. Once you've added liquid nutes (CaliMagic & GH FloraGrow/Micro/Bloom) to your water, checked and adjusted the ph, can it be stored for several days without issue? PH would be checked and adjusted again before use but will the nutrients have lost any of their luster over several days?

TIA. :)
I'm unsure of the science behind it, though I think theres an exception for organic nutrients combined with benefical bacteria, like how you brew a compost tea. It doesnt apply to synthetics, I've tested this before though if you ever need to ph up, oxygen will naturally rise your mix over time. 2-3 days max in my opinion and keep it in the dark. Water temps are important to take into consideration too!
I see it as refreshing my own knowledge base to remind me of the fundamentals i've learnt over my 5 grows... And I was high af! :hookah:
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