Obama Avoids Questions About Legalizing Marijuana (Again)


420 Member
Another online Q&A contest concluded Monday without any straight answers from the President about why marijuana remains illegal. YouTube, which sponsored the forum, declined to ask the President a single marijuana-related question, despite overwhelming public demand.

As was the case with every previous online forum of this sort, questions about marijuana legalization were not only prominent, they were by far the most popular vote-getters.

These are the top three highest-rated questions from the entire contest:

"Mr. President, When you asked the country to give you questions, one of the most asked was "Are you going to legalize Marijuana". When you read it, you laughed like it wasnt serious. Why is that?"
None, Florida
1,906 Votes

"What are your plans for cannabis legalization?"
Anonymous, Oklahoma
1,783 Votes

"Why don't you legalize marijuana, it seems like a great way to gain tax money, and people should have to right to use it if they please, and it would cripple gang activity? Do you plan to?"
Lussy Picker, Kentucky
1,766 Votes

Sadly, none of these questions were answered. In contrast, the most popular question that wasn't about marijuana received 1,331 votes and, yes, the President answered that one. It was about net neutrality, which Obama says he supports. So, at least we'll continue to enjoy free speech on the internet, even as the White House pretends not to hear us.

Incredibly, this political popularity contest was broken up into categories including Jobs & the Economy, Health Care, Energy & Environment, Foreign Policy & National Security, Education, Financial Reform, and Government Reform, yet it was the "Other" section which drew the most votes, due entirely to its emphasis on legalizing marijuana. "Other" has become a de-facto euphemism for drug policy reform in several of these White House sponsored forums, which wouldn't keep happening if "Crime & Drug Policy" were given its own well-deserved category alongside the other issues that supposedly encompass the modern political landscape.

Instead, the whole online voting process has become a self-evident mockery, as the contest's democratic structure is violated time and again simply to avoid answering one simple question. But if you're frustrated by all of this, don't be. We're winning the online debate, and we're doing so at a time when online outreach is important enough to the White House that they keep coming back for more.

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Source: Stop the Drug War (DRCNet)
Author: Scott Morgan
Contact: Stop the Drug War (DRCNet)
Copyright: Stop the Drug War (DRCNet)
Website: Stop the Drug War (DRCNet)
When the president asks his people to ask him questions, and the top three questions asked are of the same topic, you would think that, prehaps, that topic (no matter what it is), is important to the people, you know, the body of minds that you are governing?

I always thought that majority vote and what the people want was an important part of democracy. Guess I was wrong.
I would be willing to bet youtube was asked by the president or his cronies not to discuss any topic related to cannabis reform, im sure they know (the president and his cronies) what the top subject was before they went into the discussion, im thinking the reason it wasn't talked about has nothing to do with youtube. :peace:
Flank , I agree with you ,This country Is all about what the MAJORITY THINKS ,, But over the last 50 years,, or so no matter which party is in office . They seem to have forgot that .. I do think they are all going to get a very sharp reminder ,,real soon . Those halfwits have sold the whole country down the tubes to the highest bidder. Thanks
Just more evidence that Obama cares nothing about MMJ patients. If he really wants to do something about healthcare order more widespread research about the benefits of the plant. Big pharma wouldn't like that though, which is exactly why we are not having this debate at the federal level. Big pharma owns Obama and the congress.
Amen to that Weed420 !! We need to march on the white house this spring !! $$ talks and bs walks !! Obama's just another smooth tounged polititican, that don't care !! He's got his now, so he don't give a shit about us !! We need to stop talking about MMJ and concerntrate on completely legalizing or relegalizing . It's a weed people !! People have been smoking it for 1000s of yrs, and will continue to do so !! Legal or not !!
Majority vote....lol, don't be silly, that never really existed...Not when it comes to Federal laws...we're mere peasants. Didn't you know that yet?:surf:
When the president asks his people to ask him questions, and the top three questions asked are of the same topic, you would think that, prehaps, that topic (no matter what it is), is important to the people, you know, the body of minds that you are governing?

I always thought that majority vote and what the people want was an important part of democracy. Guess I was wrong.
All 3 of those are basically the same question. So its 5455 to 1331 for the next highest question. Ridiculous, he is making a big mistake. He is alienating a huge segment of the population.
Just more evidence that Obama cares nothing about MMJ patients. If he really wants to do something about healthcare order more widespread research about the benefits of the plant. Big pharma wouldn't like that though, which is exactly why we are not having this debate at the federal level. Big pharma owns Obama and the congress.
It is unfortunate, but I would have to agree. If Obama fit medical Cannabis where is belongs in Healthcare and get it out of the justice system, that would be a big boost right there. It is a healthcare issue. Period
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